Thanks for your thoughts regarding Wordfence.
I looked for a support request but am unable to find one, so anything I can offer you is speculation.
From your description I am guessing either
a.) you or a designer added code to a file that was required for the site to load.
b.) your site was compromised and the malicious code was added in a way that required it to load the site.
Either way, repairing a file gets the original version from Regardless if you or a hacker added code that was required before the site loaded, repairing wouldn’t include that code and the site would not be able to load.
If the site was compromised, you should look into cleaning it, starting with restoring a backup to get the site online again. If the code was added intentionally by you or a designer you should be able to restore just the file you repaired in order to get the site back online.
It is important to note, to prevent this sort of thing whenever you do a repair a popup notice says:
Please make a backup of this file before proceeding. If you need to restore this backup file, you can copy it to the following path from your site’s root:
<file path is here>
Click here to download a backup copy of this file now
That is followed by a button to repair the file and a link that will open a new browser tab and tell you what repairing modified files does. There is also a check box that says “Don’t ask again”. If you check that box you no longer are asked to download a copy of the file. If you have checked that in the past you wouldn’t see that prompt.
Hopefully this will help you restore the site again. You can always post in the support forum any questions you might have before you repair a file. We are always glad to help.
Please note: The obvious exception for posting changed files in the forums would be a file like wp-config.php which contains sensitive data. In that case post a question with the file name before adding the file.