• I’m using ThreeWP Broadcast Premium Pack in combination with The Events Calendar. I activated ACF, Send To Many and The Events Calendar additional Premium Pack plugins. When I try to create a new event and broadcast it to the 2 other blogs, It doesn’t broadcast anything. When I select them in the “All events” page and choose to send to many, it does work!
    I need to get it to work when I create a new event and also when I update a parent event. Is it possible I forgot something or did something wrong?

    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author edward_plainview


    They’ve changed the broadcasting v3.8.1, apparently.

    I’m looking into this now. It appears that broadcasting an event with a new venue completely breaks broadcasting, with or without the pack.

    I’ll see what I can do.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    I had the feeling this bug in WordPress itself was familiar…


    Encountered it 10 months ago, in another plugin.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    I don’t suppose there’s a chance of using Events 3.8.2 until WordPress fixes the bug?

    Thread Starter KerimGb


    Hi Edward,

    Thank you for your response! I will see if I can find a descent solution without losing any valuable content or user experience. It’s good to know that it is in fact a bug. Can you let me know when something pops up regarding this issue?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Just keep track of this thread.

    Using 3.8.2 isn’t a [temporary] solution?



    I’ve tried rolling back to previous versions of The Events Calendar without luck. Is there any other workaround for this at the moment?

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    What a mess this is. I’ve spent the evening trying to figure out what is required to fix this. I installed WP trunk (dev version) and then tried broadcasting with and without the suggested patch in ticket 17817.

    I’ve tried patching the Events plugin also. My (incomplete) results are as follows:

    Version 3.9.1
    Unpatched WordPress dev
    No plugin pack
    Posts work
    Events do not work

    Version 3.9.1 patched
    Unpatched WordPress dev
    No plugin pack
    Posts work
    Events require publishing twice.

    Version 3.9.1
    Patched WordPress dev
    No plugin pack
    Posts work
    Events do not work

    Version 3.9.1
    Wordpress 4.1
    No plugin pack
    Posts work
    Events do not work

    Version 3.9.1
    Wordpress 4.1
    Plugin pack
    Posts work
    Events do not work

    If anyone is interested, try the following to see if it helps:

    Open the-events-calendar/lib/the-events-calendar.class.php
    Comment out line 2937, remove_action( ‘save_post
    Comment out line 2991, add_action( ‘save_post_

    Then publish your events twice. The first time won’t work, the second probably will.

    I still have some hair left on my head, so I’ll continue debugging tomorrow.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    I’ve managed to get posts, pages and events broadcasted.

    I’ve sent a beta version of the modified plugin to a user and am now awaiting an answer. If anyone else is interested in betatested, throw me a line.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    The latest version of the Events Calendar plugin in the pack has been tested with 3.9.1 and I haven’t heard any complaints so far.

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Just tested various combinations:

    BC = Broadcast 18, EC = Events Calendar 3.9.1, PP = Plugin Pack 18.1

    WordPress network install, no extra plugins except BC, PP and EC – freshly installed

    Posts work with and without EC enabled
    Pages work with and without EC enabled
    Events posted locally work
    Events with BC, without PP do not work
    Events with BC with PP work

    So, to be clear:

    With Broadcast, Events Calendar, and the Broadcast Plugin Pack installed: pages, posts, and events should broadcast properly.


    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    Yes, according to my tests.

    I’ve a similar issue.
    If a disable the events calendar plugin, everything is fine, i can broadcast posts and pages. Il I re-activate the events calendar, the post I want to broadcast doesn’t save the options anymore.

    Is the PP is absolutely necessary?

    well … after few hours of testing, I decide to post a comment here, and OMG the plugin works suddenly.
    I just changed the priority number to 10 after reactivated ThreeWP Broadcast.
    Good luck

    Plugin Author edward_plainview


    TEC has been updated to 3.10.1 and I’ve tested BC and the pack for compatability.

    Without the Broadcast TEC plugin enabled:
    Broadcasting normal posts works.
    Broadcasting events does not work.

    With the Broadcast TEC plugin enabled:
    Broadcasting posts works.
    Broadcasting events (incl venues) works.

    Version 22 of the pack will be compatible with >= 3.10.1 of TEC.

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