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  • same problem here

    got any solution plz??

    I am having the same issue. The only solution seems to be to keep Simple Custom Post Order deactivated unless I need to rearrange posts.

    Same issue here, the media library has over 600 items, ordered oldest first (DESC) and won’t switch to ASC. I’m also noticing that categories are displaying quite randomly too in Posts > Categories.

    WordPress 3.8.3
    Magazinium theme

    The plugin seems to force ORDER BY menu_order for attachments, I’m also having problems setting another value for it in a custom WP_Query. The only solution is to disable the plugin.

    The fix would be either to exclude attachments from the sorting or to give an option in the admin for us to enable/disable it as required.

    I’m having a problem now in
    – WP v4.0
    – Simple custom post order v2.2

    Media library shows NOTHING. Warnings in the ajax response, loads of them:
    “Illegal string offset ‘width'” etc..

    :: Possible fix, seems to work for my case ::
    Find the file “wp-content/plugins/simple-custom-post-order/simple-custom-post-order.php”
    Ca line 290 you will see the following:

    } else {
    $active = false;

    Change it so it looks like this:

    } else {
    /* Sircon attempts to fix media library */
    if(defined( 'DOING_AJAX' )){
     return $wp_query;
    /* Attempted fix complete*/
    $active = false;

    Update on this source-code-“fix”:
    – “Add media” button popup shows nothing
    – Media library shows something, only the first x images, and keeps querying with ajax for more images. This constantly repeating ajax request keeps failing
    – Media library search works really bad, if at all
    – Adding in the fix mentioned above seems to work where the media library shows no or just some images.
    – The fix mentioned above does not break anything else (so far..!)

    So there you have it, no reponse from the dev, no updates, which is a shame, because I am one webdev that enjoys this plugin for what it does.

    Hi, I have solved commenting 2 lines in simple-custom-post-order.php:

    n.334 //$wp_query->set( ‘orderby’, ‘menu_order’ );
    n.335 //$wp_query->set( ‘order’, ‘ASC’ );

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