Breadcrumbs not displaying parent or custom post pages
Hi there,
I am relativity new to WordPress & am trying incorporate Breadcrumbs into my own bespoke theme.
In my functions I ave added the following code:function the_breadcrumb() { $sep = ' > '; if (!is_front_page()) { echo '<a href="'; echo get_option('home'); echo '">'; bloginfo('name'); echo '</a>' . $sep; if (is_category() || is_single() ){ the_category(' z '); } elseif (is_archive() || is_single()){ if ( is_day() ) { printf( __( '%s', 'text_domain' ), get_the_date() ); } elseif ( is_month() ) { printf( __( '%s', 'text_domain' ), get_the_date( _x( 'F Y', 'monthly archives date format', 'text_domain' ) ) ); } elseif ( is_year() ) { printf( __( '%s', 'text_domain' ), get_the_date( _x( 'Y', 'yearly archives date format', 'text_domain' ) ) ); } else { _e( 'Blog Archives', 'text_domain' ); } } if (is_single()) { echo $sep; the_title(); } if (is_page()) { echo the_title(); } if (is_home()){ global $post; $page_for_posts_id = get_option('page_for_posts'); if ( $page_for_posts_id ) { $post = get_page($page_for_posts_id); setup_postdata($post); the_title(); rewind_posts(); } } } }
Now these breadcrumbs work, but they do NOT display any parent pages or posts at all to let the user know where they are.
Is there a way of doing so within WordPress without the use of a Plugin?
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you
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