vkaryl – appreciate the prompt, reply – thanks!
Here is exactly what is contained in the sidebar.php file:
<!– SIDEBAR –>
<div id=”leftCol”>
<div class=”sideBarTitle”>Nav</div>
<div class=”verticalNavigation”>
<div class=”sideBarTitle”>Bio</div>
<div class=”box”>
Peter Flaschner (that’s me), is a Toronto based designer, uncurable css addict, and workaholic. This site is my personal playground. It’s usually broken in one way or another.If you like what you see here, why not stop on by to my work site? There’s lots of goodies there.
<div class=”sideBarTitle”>Recent Posts</div>
<div class=”box”>
<?php mdv_recent_posts(7, ‘
- ‘, ‘
‘, true, 2, false); ?>
<div class=”mostPopular”>
<div class=”sideBarTitle-mp”>Most Popular Posts</div>
<?php show_pop_posts(); ?>
<div class=”sideBarTitle”>Recent Comments</div>
<div class=”verticalNavigation”>
<!– Recent Commenters (Quantity,Length,MaxCommentsPerPost)–>
<?php echo get_recent_comments(6, 1, 1); ?>
<div class=”sideBarTitle”>Meta</div>
<div class=”box”>
I have activated all plugins required to run the theme, according to the (short) installation instructions.
I deleted the piece you suggested and it doesn’t look good:
Am I correct in assuming there are further plugins I should have installed ASIDE from the plugins featured with the theme download?
If so, I may just install these plugins as a way around the issue?
Thanks again for your assistance!