• moka


    The following error displays on my page under the “recent posts” heading. Any ideas/solutions are appreciated.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mdv_recent_posts() in /home/watsontrim/web-root/wp-content/themes/branches-theme/sidebar.php on line 20

    and here is line 20:
    <?php mdv_recent_posts(7, '
    <li>', '</li>
    ', true, 2, false); ?>

    Also, how do I update/add the Nav pages?

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  • moshu


    Is the plugin activated?

    Did you create those Pages that are listed in the Nav?

    Thread Starter moka


    Activated plug-ins and no change.

    Do I create stand-alone html files for the nav pages or through the wordpress interface?



    No stand-alone files! Just > Write > Write Page. Be careful to “match” the title of the new Pages with the word in the links. (BTW, very bad manner on behalf of the designer to hardcode those links… and not to provide a readme file. If there is a readme file – the “bad manner” refers to you ??

    Thread Starter moka


    The Read Me is quite short…

    I see the nav links have hard-coded directories which do not exist in the installation. I guess I have to modify either the path or create these directories?

    Also, I followed the standard directions to modify the “bio” section using the theme editor. My changes are not reflected in the page.



    nav links have hard-coded directories…

    Those are NOT directories but Pages created with WP. Just create the Pages, e.g. with the title “About” and – if using the “nice permalinks” – WP will take care of the rest.
    Edit. I checked, you are not using the nice permalinks; so, just edit those links.

    If the file isn’t writable (=chmod 666) your changes cannot be saved.

    Thread Starter moka


    What are the “nice” permalinks?

    Would it be easier to simply select a new template? ??



    Useful reading: Using_Permalinks and also in your admin panel > Options > Permalinks.

    You mean a new theme? That’s an option – though it looks nice, and after a while you’ll learn easily how to tweak it.

    Thread Starter moka


    Thanks for your help, moshu!

    I’ll read up and tweak (maybe shoot a note to the designer) and use less challenging theme for now. ??



    I’ve been playing with this theme and for me its a pain..
    The plugin with mine was actually srg_clean_archives

    so the call for that is
    <?php srg_clean_archives(); ?>
    not<?php mdv_recent_posts(); ?>

    This and all your nav links are in


    there are other, similar pains to follow..

    So the answer to the fatal error thing in sidebar.php is?

    I am so glad I found this thread!

    OK – I am new to WordPress but am LOVING it. I plan on using it for many of my future sites.

    As a practice site, I am setting up a friend’s blog for him. We want to use this theme – it’s exactly what he wanted and we already purchased stock photos, so simply using a different theme is not an option at this stage.

    You can check it out here, complete with the ‘Fatal Error’ message under Recent Posts:

    I know a little about CSS and HTMP/PHP but not enough to fix this. I’m wondering if anyone has the answer? Hope you can help!…

    If you don’t have the mdv recent posts plugin, then you’re always going to get that error. In the sidebar.php for the theme should be a “call” to mdv_recent_posts()- probably looks something like this in actual fact:

    <?php mdv_recent_posts(); ?>

    Take it out. Then see what happens.

    vkaryl – appreciate the prompt, reply – thanks!

    Here is exactly what is contained in the sidebar.php file:

    <!– SIDEBAR –>

    <div id=”leftCol”>
    <div class=”sideBarTitle”>Nav</div>
    <div class=”verticalNavigation”>

    <div class=”sideBarTitle”>Bio</div>
    <div class=”box”>
    Peter Flaschner (that’s me), is a Toronto based designer, uncurable css addict, and workaholic. This site is my personal playground. It’s usually broken in one way or another.If you like what you see here, why not stop on by to my work site? There’s lots of goodies there.
    <div class=”sideBarTitle”>Recent Posts</div>
    <div class=”box”>

      <?php mdv_recent_posts(7, ‘

    • ‘, ‘
    • ‘, true, 2, false); ?>


    <div class=”mostPopular”>
    <div class=”sideBarTitle-mp”>Most Popular Posts</div>
    <?php show_pop_posts(); ?>

    <div class=”sideBarTitle”>Recent Comments</div>
    <div class=”verticalNavigation”>

      <!– Recent Commenters (Quantity,Length,MaxCommentsPerPost)–>
      <?php echo get_recent_comments(6, 1, 1); ?>

    <div class=”sideBarTitle”>Meta</div>
    <div class=”box”>

    <!– SIDEBAR END –>


    I have activated all plugins required to run the theme, according to the (short) installation instructions.

    I deleted the piece you suggested and it doesn’t look good:

    Am I correct in assuming there are further plugins I should have installed ASIDE from the plugins featured with the theme download?

    If so, I may just install these plugins as a way around the issue?

    Thanks again for your assistance!

    Well, you can try that…. thing is, forcing plugin use is just sloppy coding. Frustratingly enough, I just don’t have the time right now to “fix” someone’s crappily coded sidebar, because that’s what needs to happen – *sigh* and see below.

    Couple things you could do: contact the theme author and insist heesh give you a list of what plugins he “assumed” would be used when he released this theme; maybe the easier one (but probably NOT faster considering current workload plus classes): send me a zip of the COMPLETE theme distro/folder (to vkaryl *AT* bytehaven *DOT* com) and I’ll take it apart, put it back together, and send it along.

    HOWEVER! If you choose the latter, be VERY aware that I am seriously buried in work and classes, so this isn’t going to be an instant fix…. you can check around though, I do always get things done eventually….

    Thank you, vkaryl – I appreciate the offer and understand teh workload. Will forward you a ZIP.

    Will shoot this coder an email, too – see what they have to say.

    Thanks again!

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