BPS Troubleshooting Steps
Your BPS Security Log logs blocked hackers, spammers, etc. & also logs anything else that BPS may be blocking in another Plugin or Theme. To confirm or eliminate that BPS is blocking something in another Plugin or Theme do the troubleshooting steps below. If you have confirmed that BPS is blocking something in another Plugin or Theme then post the Security Log entry from your BPS Security Log that shows exactly what is being blocked. A whitelist rule can then be created in BPS Custom Code to allow (whitelist) whatever is being blocked by BPS.
The BPS plugin has built-in troubleshooting capability and should not be deactivated for troubleshooting. Deactivating BPS removes the built-in troubleshooting tools/capabilities. You can turn all BPS security features On or Off for troubleshooting to isolate exactly which BPS security feature is causing an issue/problem or to confirm or eliminate BPS as the cause of an issue/problem.
Note: After doing each troubleshooting step, test whatever is not working to see if it is now working. It could also be possible that 2 things are causing a problem. Example scenario: Doing step 2 and step 3 allow whatever was not working to start working. That would mean both the root .htaccess file and the wp-admin .htaccess file are blocking something legitimate.
1. Optional (not necessary): Make a backup of your .htaccess on the htaccess Core >>> Backup & Restore tab page.
2. On the Security Modes page, select the Deactivate Root Folder BulletProof Mode (Default Mode) Radio button and click the Activate|Deactivate button.
See Custom Code Note
3. On the Security Modes page, select the Deactivate wp-admin Folder BulletProof Mode Radio button and click the Activate|Deactivate button.
See Custom Code Note
4. If an issue/problem is related to Login Security turn Off Login Security on the Login Security & Monitoring page.
5. If an issue/problem is related to ISL or ACE see this forum topic: https://forum.ait-pro.com/forums/topic/idle-session-logout-isl-and-authentication-cookie-expiration-ace/Custom Code Note: If you have isolated a problem to the root or wp-admin .htaccess file and you have added additional custom .htaccess code or additional .htaccess code from another plugin to BPS Custom Code then you can either use the Custom Code Export|Import|Delete Tools or manually cut (not Copy) all of your additional custom .htaccess code out of all BPS Custom Code text boxes and save that custom .htaccess code to a Notepad or Notepad++ text file, Click the Save Root Custom Code button (or the wp-admin Custom Code button), click the AutoMagic buttons on the Security Modes page and activate BulletProof Modes. You can then further isolate which custom .htaccess code is the problem by adding only 1 block of additional custom code back to a BPS Custom Code text box at a time.
Login Security Note: If you are unable to login to your website due to an issue/problem with Login Security, rename the /wp-content/plugins/bulletproof-security/ plugin folder to /_bulletproof-security/, log back into your website, rename the /_bulletproof-security/ plugin folder back to /bulletproof-security/ and correct the issue/problem.
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