• Resolved Jose C



    This is the story of what brings me here:

    I wanted to have G+ comments on my blog, so I downloaded Comments Evolved for WordPress plugin. It led me to install Php 5.3 + because my previous configuration was at 5.2, which was not compatible with this plugin.

    So I upgraded to 5.4 (single.ini) with my host, Bluehost.

    Php.ini file was created by Bluehost, and it wrote the php handler information into the public .htaccess file that already existed which BPS had created.

    I took the handler info from the top, deleted it and placed it under custom code in BPS to do the process over again.

    Problem: When creating the secure htaccess file for WP-Admin, BPS times out (although it creates the file as I see it through FTP).

    From this point forward, I cannot access BPS options through dashboard unless I remove the PHP handler information from the htaccess in my public Root…which consequentially makes Comments Evolved to stop working and remind me that it doesn’t detect php 5.3.

    This is all very confusing to me and trust me I’ve searched and spent hours trying to find the right information.

    The same thing happens if I have bluehost create a php 5.3 or cgi single.ini….makes no difference. same symptoms.

    Any help is appreciated? I need to know how this is all related…but the above is all fact.

    Thank you!


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  • Since upgrading from .49.1 to .49.2, the options page does not load at my blog any more, too. After about a minute, the server gives up with error code 504 – gateway timeout. The login security page however still works. Removing the .htaccess files does not make any difference, but except the BPS warning which starts to appear then. The server is running PHP 5.4.19.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    FTP to your site and delete this file: /wp-content/bps-backup/logs/http_error_log.txt. Is the problem still occurring?

    > Is the problem still occurring?

    Thanks for your quick response, but yes, the problem still remains.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Are you using Cloud Services?
    Check your Server and php error log. Do you see any errors directly related to this?
    Use WP_DEBUG. Add this debugging code in your wp-config.php file. Do you see any errors?

    define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);

    No, no cloud service. I am using some freehoster (ms5.eu), i need to ask if they can provide me access to the logs.

    I already tried to enable the debug switches you mentioned, with no effect. Only some “strict” warnings regarding NGGallery show up, but they do as well at every other page.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    ok I wonder if this has to do with the new mysqli function added to the options.php file or the WP Filesystem API checking code.

    Edit this file: /plugins/bulletproof-security/admin/options.php

    comment out this line of code at Code Line 2241
    //echo __('MySQL Client Version', 'bulletproof-security').': <strong>'.mysqli_get_client_info().'</strong><br>';

    comment out this code at Code Lines 2115 – 2122 with /* … */ as shown below.

    	echo __('WP Filesystem API Method', 'bulletproof-security').': <strong>'.get_filesystem_method().'</strong><br>';
    	if ( get_filesystem_method() != 'direct' && function_exists('getmyuid') && function_exists('fileowner') ) {
    	echo __('Script Owner ID', 'bulletproof-security').': <strong>' . getmyuid().'</strong><br>';
    	echo __('File Owner ID', 'bulletproof-security').': <strong>' . @fileowner(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/bulletproof-security/admin/options.php').'</strong><br>';
    	if ( get_filesystem_method() != 'direct' && function_exists('get_current_user') ) {
    	echo __('Script Owner Name', 'bulletproof-security').': <strong>' . get_current_user().'</strong><br>';

    What you expected to be at line 2241 has been at line 2253 in my BPS install. And lines 2115-2122 had been at 2127-2134.

    Sadly, none of the two hunks did cause the problems, the issue is hidden somewhere else.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Yep, the current options.php file that I was looking at was the BPS .49.3 development version so the code lines are probably slightly different.

    Those are the only things that changed from .49.1 to .49.2 that would logically cause this so the issue/problem is either something else or it is actually a Browser problem of some kind.

    Try deactivating all your plugins except for BPS and see what happens. Try clearing your browser cache and plugin cache and see what happens. Try a different Browser and see what happens. Try switching to the WordPress 2013 Theme and see what happens. etc.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Also it is possible that your Host made some Server changes. What type of Server is this? Apache Linux, Nginx, LiteSpeed, etc.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    One other possibility could be that the Star Rating code changes are causing this issue. Try commenting out all the star rating code at the top of the options.php file by using /* … */ where shown below.

    if (function_exists('get_transient')) {
    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php' );
    		<?php endif;
    	  } // if ( !is_wp_error($bpsapi)
     }// end if (function_exists('get_transient'

    Star rating: 504 Gateway Time-out
    Webserver: Apache 2.2.25 on Linux
    Browser should not cause a 504?!
    Disabling all plugins did not help, too.

    Without any plugin, the “upgrade to WPS Pro” link appears – Nothing else.
    Enabling BackWPup makes the WP Super Cache detection message showing up
    Enabling Awesome Flickr Gallery causes a 504
    Enabling Shortcode Exec PHP breaks the rendering in the star rating display
    Enabling Next Gen Gallery causes a 504

    I stopped at this point, because something appears to be fucked up pretty hard. Where can i get .49.1 to downgrade? Maybe i can investigate the issue further by a step-by-step manual upgrade.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    A 504 Gateway timeout error can occur because of a Browser or Server problem or other problem. This issue/problem is most likely NOT related to the BPS Plugin. What is more likely is your Host Server is currently having some Server issues/problems. I have also seen this error occur with ISP/Internet connectivity problems.


    504 Gateway Timeout

    The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP) or some other auxiliary server (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.

    Note: Note to implementors: some deployed proxies are known to
    return 400 or 500 when DNS lookups time out.

    To confirm or eliminate BPS as the cause of this issue do these standard BPS troubleshooting steps/BPS Removal steps in the link below:


    Plugin Author AITpro


    Also the ongoing Brute Force Login attacks can overload a Server and cause a 504 Gateway Timeout error.

    Just to recall this: Only the BPS “htaccess core” page has been affected from the 504s. The remaining WP works like a charm, including the “Login Security” page from BPS.

    By the way: The timeout value appears to be 60s
    If my understanding of the 504 is right, it tells me options.php is trying to fetch content from somewhere and runs into a timeout. Or it gets stuck in some long/endless computation.

    The removal steps you referred to are not really helpful, since steps 1+2 require a working BPS admin page …

    I have also asked my hoster for logfiles/support, a response is still pending.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    You stated above that you are seeing 504 errors for other things and not only just BPS.

    Enabling Awesome Flickr Gallery causes a 504
    Enabling Shortcode Exec PHP breaks the rendering in the star rating display
    Enabling Next Gen Gallery causes a 504

    Then you can manually remove BPS by doing these steps:
    1. FTP to your website and delete the root .htaccess file and the wp-admin .htaccess file.
    2. Deactivate and delete the BPS plugin on the WordPress Plugins page.

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