• ResolvedPlugin Author Slava Abakumov



    You can suggest features for this plugin in several ways:

    1. Via this topic in the plugin support area.
    2. Via plugin admin area, using the More tab

    If you decide to use More tab in plugin admin area, you can either vote for features, or write own suggestions using the comment form for this poll. All data is anonymously collected. The only thing that is used and shared are the voting results.

    Lets make together the better plugin ??

    Thank you!


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  • Ah just saw that. Posted something about having editing permissions on custom pages, to enable editing by editors or moderators.

    Plugin Author Slava Abakumov


    A bit more detailed here.

    1. check box to show or not the field during registration process
    2. possibility of editing fields
    3. google map for single groups and general map of all groups

    I’m wondering if you could get the changes to extra pages/fields to appear in group and general activity. Maybe make it optional at the group admin level? Thanks.

    BPGE is a really good plugin. But I need a more features :

    – show the fields during registration process of the group (during step 1.Details or step 2.Settings… or have a new step ?)
    – have several top level pages in groups, and several top level links for the sets of fields (and not only one top level link for all the fields)

    Maybe I can do that with modify a little code ? Can you give me a direction ? Or can I buy these features ?


    I just need:

    – a way to edit fields after they’re created
    – the ability to set a field as required
    – field support for CubePoints

    Plugin Author Slava Abakumov


    Thanks for suggestions! Some of them (like for group creations, editing) will be definitely integrated into the next versions.

    Thank you for the fast response. These are very important features for https://tarrantmakers.org and we will gladly donate for your work.

    Hi, it took me a while to figure out this plugin!

    What I would like it to do is this

    on my site community.phplist.com I have 4 main pages of info, for users, developers, documentors and translators. I also have four groups with the same name.

    I was trying to use your plugin to achive the following things

    a) click on say, “users” tab on the communuty.phplist.com home page and it would take you to the users group rathert than /users
    b) the users group home tab, using your plugin, would display the main text for users (the current content of /users)
    c) the second tab of that page though, would show talk (activities)
    d) the third members etc.

    So what I basically wanted was to totally integrate pages and groups using your plugin so the first page and tab of each group is the home page for a ton of stuff. I think this plugin has a lot of potential – and more top level pages would unleash that ??

    Additionally, if you could make group memberships appear in the sign up form (group-o-matic does it but its too hard for me to understand) that would basically mean I would never need another plugin again! ??

    Plugin Author Slava Abakumov


    Everything you requested can be already achieved with little code additions (like using some filters and hooks). Only multiple pages per group is relevant, and it will be implemented (sooner or later).

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