• I know a TON of you may disagree with my site, and that’s OK. I would appreciate your objective feedback on my site’s design – https://boycottgoogleads.com .

    I would like to say WAY TO GO, WordPress!!!!!! I’m not new to making sites, but I am new to blogging. This program made blogging easy, and even addictive. Even if I eventually lose interest in my current site’s purpose, I’ll probably continue blogging with WordPress, somewhere.

    Take care,

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  • The irony of hooopla comment is that in the site that links out of his name, there is simply the wordpress text link in his footer. No different than the OP.

    I have no idea what you’re talking about. The footer on my site has always said “Cuppa News is powered by WordPress”.

    I dont think you have to “master” CSS to actually use and manipulate CSS…

    And on a side note, I think it would be beneficial to have an ABOUT page that explains your viewpoints… I glanced through the posts on the main page and I don’t understand why your site exists… So functionally an ABOUT page seems feasable…


    The semantics you are arguing over, hooopla are the words “powered by”???

    Because aside from those two words, the manner of “credit” is the same between the two sites. Not to mention, I’m sure if I look at his source, I’ll also see that it’s running WordPress, which, anyone that’s really interested, would know to do. A casual visitor could care less, even if its in the footer as your site is. But that’s just my two ?¢.

    One reason not to mention WordPress is that it keeps spambots from attacking the site. Since I removed the link to wordpress, and the meta line that’s supposedly for WP internal stats four months ago, I’ve had zero spam comments, and I’ve got no anti-spam plugins running.

    Yeah, I appreciate what wordpress has done, but I also don’t necessarily give attribution to redhat, apache, windows, photoshop, or the other tools that go into my site.

    Yeah, I appreciate what wordpress has done, but I also don’t necessarily give attribution to redhat, apache, windows, photoshop, or the other tools that go into my site.

    Photoshop, Windows, etc… they all cost big bucks, but WordPress is free. A tiny mention in the footer doesn’t cost you anything and helps promote the software.

    As for the spambots, it’s my experience that they find you even if WordPress is not mentioned on your site. I’ve never heard of the WordPress/spambot connection, but I haven’t seen any spambot spam since I installed Bad Behavior and Spam Karma2.

    Thread Starter jemoore


    Hey, I wanted to publicly thank Vkaryl for the awesome job – I just did some minor tweaking to what V came up with. Now the site’s really cool looking, if I do say so myself. ?? https://blog.boycottgoogleads.com

    My blog’s not popular enough yet I guess to worry about spam – if it becomes a problem I’ll try out the tools you mentioned above.


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