• I’m trying to remove the boxes around my social media images. Can this be done within my text widget or is that code in some other part of the template?

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  • Andre


    Can you please link to the website you are talking about?

    Thread Starter becomingsupersonic


    The text widget containing your social-media icons has the ID text-2.

    That means it can be targetted with the following custom CSS:

    #text-2 img {
       border: none;

    You can add this code to the stylesheet in your child theme if you go that route, as I suggested in another thread.

    If you opt not to go with a child theme, you can just activate the Custom CSS module in your already installed Jetpack plugin. You’ll then add your custom CSS in the new stylesheet editor that’ll appear in your dashboard, under Appearance > Edit CSS.

    I have the same problem. https://www.healthy-soulfood.de but I dont know how to change the frame around the post images

    soulfoodlovina – I don’t see any boxes around your social media icons, did you get this sorted out? This is what I see:

    Healthy soulfood Goodstuff so healthy

    Hi there, I am currently doing some work for one of my clients who uses the Forever theme, but the free version, so no access to the style sheet for the theme.
    I have added some social media icons to the Text widget but a border is being created around the images. I have tried inline CSS to get rid of it but no luck, can you assist?

    I’ve managed to get this sorted, if anyone is looking for a way of getting this fixed

    <img src=”image location” style=”border:none;” />

    kyarauk Thanks for posting your solution!

    For anyone else reading this, rather than adding inline CSS to each image, adding a bit of custom CSS is a better solution. The specific code would depend on which ID is assigned to your particular text widget, but it would look like what I provided to becomingsupersonic above.

    but the free version, so no access to the style sheet for the theme.

    Forever is a free theme, there is no paid version. It sounds like you may be on WordPress.com, though – it has separate forums, in case you need help in the future. (These forums are for folks running WordPress on their own hosting.)


    Here are some tips on getting help in the WordPress.com forums: https://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-help-in-the-forums/

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