@yvesg I went back and forth with someone in support and it took a while to have this question resolved … here’s the code
(Note this is for the three column “boxes”…change where it says “third_column” to “fourth_column” if you want 4 “boxes”
You can also personalize background_color, border_color, width, and height
I was told that width of “259” for the picture is ideal (maybe just for the three column boxes though)
[x2_third_col background_color=”f1f1f1″ border_color=”dedede” height=”250″] href=”https://www.this is the link or page that people will go to when they click on the picture/”><img alt=”” src=”put the link of your picture here.jpg” width=”259″ height=”300″ /> This is the text under the box…perhaps just a title or a short description [/x2_third_col]</span>
[x2_third_col background_color=”f1f1f1″ border_color=”dedede” height=”250″] <img alt=”” src=”put the link of your picture here.jpg” width=”259″ height=”300″ /> This is the text under the box…perhaps just a title or a short description [/x2_third_col]
[x2_third_col_right background_color=”f1f1f1″ border_color=”dedede” height=”250″] <img alt=”” src=”put the link of your picture here.jpg” width=”259″ height=”300″ /> This is the text under the box…perhaps just a title or a short description [/x2_third_col_right]