The option to change name fields is featured in both Pro and Free plugin versions.
The plugin also features an option to change abels, errors, placeholders and tooltips of the contact form fields. To do so, please follow the step below:
1. Please go to settings page, open the block ‘Additional options’. If necessary, add a language in the block “Language settings for the field names in the form” on the plugin settings page.
2. Mark the check box (if it’s not marked yet) in the block “Change the labels of the contact form fields and error messages”, choose the necessary tab, click the twistie to expand the list of the fields and fill in the fields. Choose the necessary tab in the block “Action after email is sent” as well and fill in the field. Save the changes.
3. You will see the shortcode under the tab with the necessary language. Please paste that shortcode to the page or post.
In case something goes wrong and you cannot achieve what you attempted to do, please describe your problem in detail and we will help you solve it.
BestWebSoft Support Team.