There is no issue with jQuery (at least the standard version of jQuery).
Regarding tooltip, this is the only code that I changed:
items: '.title-display-tooltip a, .photonic-slideshow.title-display-tooltip img',
track: true,
show: false,
hide: false
I have the above in photonic.js at present, and it used to be this:
$(document).on('mouseover', '.title-display-tooltip a, .photonic-slideshow.title-display-tooltip img', function() {
track: true,
show: false,
hide: false,
content: function() {
if ($(this).data('title') != undefined && $(this).data('title') != '') {
return photonicHtmlDecode($(this).data('title'));
return photonicHtmlDecode($(this).attr('title'));
The reason for the change was that the original code (i.e. the second snippet) resulted in buggy behavior with the tooltip (hovering would sometimes show the regular tooltip, then when you came out of the element and hovered again, it would show the correct tooltip). The fix is as per the documentation for jQuery Tooltip (see here), which doesn’t need you to specify a selector option.
Photonic uses jQuery Tooltip bundled with WordPress, but from your site it seems like Bootstrap has a version of Tooltip that conflicts with what WP provides (it would seem like it, based on this as well, which is a different tooltip script). If that is the case, the fix really should be at your theme / Bootstrap’s end, because it will cause any plugin using native WP jQuery tooltips to break.
Basically you have two options:
- I don’t know if your theme gives you an option to exclude the Tooltip script. If not, and if you are handling things in a child theme then you can fix this by removing the entire tooltip function from here. From your site it doesn’t seem like you are using that functionality anyway.
- Alternatively you could replace the new function with the old one I had.
From my point of view reintroducing the old code would be to reintroduce buggy behaviour, and it is not possible for me to detect if you are using bootstrap, because it defines no unique JS function.