• I’m running WordPress at https://ivy.basketball-u.com. We’re using Categories both for the type of post, as well as for the subject matter of the post.

    I’ve tried doing pipes and ampersands in the URL query, but I can’t get WordPress to display all the posts that belong to both Category X and Category Y. Is there a secret to this?

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  • Check this thread out for a heavy discussion about categories.


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    And, thank you, for letting us know if this information proves useful (or not)!

    WordPress by default allows “<A href=”https://www.internettutorials.net/boolean.html”>Boolean OR” category queries, meaning you can ask for all posts in Cat A or Cat B (meaning you will get everything categorized as either). This is of course done with the “ugly” permailink structure URI where the query string looks somenthign like index.php?cat=1,2,3″

    What you are asking for is a Boolean “AND”, which is what I am looking for as well and no one seems to have documented (or I too have yet to find). In fact I need more than that.. I need (1 OR 2) AND 3, as well as (1 and 2) OR 3… and more. I need totally flexible Boolean post queries… ??

    Anyone have any ideas/pointers/etc?

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