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  • Hi Daniel,

    I don’t see any errors popping up in the console. Can you show me screenshots of all the settings you have on the Bookings > Settings > Schedule tab?

    Regarding the layout, I-Visio is using the Dining Restaurant theme from Proteus Themes. You can buy that theme if you’d like to use it. Otherwise, customizing the layout in this way requires writing some CSS code. The following should get you on your way but will need refinement, especially for mobiles:

    .rtb-booking-form fieldset > div {
      float: left;
      width: 25%;
      margin-right: 5%;
    .rtb-booking-form fieldset>div.message,
    .rtb-booking-form fieldset .add-message {
      clear: both;
      float: none;
      width: 100%;
      padding-top: 1em;

    Hi Nate,

    Thank you for your fast answer! Can you see this: Maybe I’m happy for now with the layout as it is… ??

    Oh and I tried to change the language to German. I’ve already installed the Loco Translate plugin, but without any success. What to do now?

    Sorry for all my questions! I’m still on the road to getting a Pro! ?? Many thanks for your support!

    Hi Daniel,

    You know I’m just not sure what’s happening with the time on your site. There is no error being printed to the console, so there’s no real trail for me to follow to see what might be causing the issue. Your settings look correct.

    Can you try switching to a default theme, like TwentyFifteen, and tell me if you still have the problem? If so, try deactivating all other plugins to see if there is a conflict of some kind going on.

    Hi Nate,

    I’m not sure if I did this right, but this is what I get, when I switch to the TwentyFifteen: I did deactivate all the other plugins, but still without any success.

    Do you have an idea, what I can do?

    Hi Daniel,

    When you switch to the TwentyFifteen theme, you’ll want to browse to the page on your site that is set as the Bookings Page under Bookings > Settings. You should see the booking form on that page with the appropriate times available after selecting a valid date.

    Hi Nate,

    Many thanks for your help, but still not working. Sorry, don’t know why and what to do.

    Is there a way to activate the plugin on my current theme?

    Hi stadtmatrose,

    You need to assign the Booking Page. In the last screenshot you sent, you should set the Booking Page to the page where you’d like the form to appear. It will then appear on that page.

    When you’ve done that, switch to the TwentyFifteen theme, then browse to the page you selected as the Booking Page. You should see the form and be able to test whether the times work. They will not appear available until AFTER you select a date.

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