• Resolved Meiershus


    I am having trouble with the booking form. It is not showing and i get this message: Not all required fields are present in the booking form.

    I have tried all the solutions i have been able to find. And I don’t know, what I am doing wrong. It has worked earlier and now without changes it doesn’t. Can you please help me?

    This is in my RSVP under settings:
    <table class=’eme-rsvp-form’>
    <tr><th scope=’row’>Navn*:</th><td>#_NAME</td></tr>
    <tr><th scope=’row’>E-mail*:</th><td>#_EMAIL</td></tr>
    <tr><th scope=’row’>Telefonnummer:</th><td>#_PHONE</td></tr>
    <tr><th scope=’row’>Antal pladser*:</th><td>#_SEATS</td></tr>
    <tr><th scope=’row’>Bem?rkninger:</th><td>#_COMMENT</td></tr>
    #_CAPTCHAHTML{<tr><th scope=’row’>Skriv venligst den viste kode ind her:</th><td>#_CAPTCHA</td></tr>}

    This is my template:
    <div id=”oversigt”>
    <h4>#_EVENTNAME</h4> </br>
    Dato: #_STARTDATE</br>
    Tidspunkt: kl. #_STARTTIME – #_ENDTIME </br>
    Sted: #_LOCATIONNAME, #_ADDRESS, #_TOWN</br>
    Antal pladser: #_TOTALSPACES</br>
    Pris: #_PRICE #_CURRENCY</br>

    You can see the event here: https://tantrayogakolding.dk/events/522/soul-meditation/

    Best wishes Ann ??


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  • Plugin Author Franky


    Seems ok to me on first sight. What are your event rsvp settings concerning places and prices?

    Thread Starter Meiershus


    i am sorry – i don’t understand your question ?? do you mean the settings for the actual event or the settings for the plugin?

    Plugin Author Franky


    For the actual event

    Thread Starter Meiershus


    thanks ?? the price i set to 70 and currency to Danske Kroner

    Location i set for Kropskontakten, Olaf Ryes Gade 7y, 6000 Kolding, Denmmark – the map is showing though ??

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