• Plugin Author wpdevelop


    Version update 2.7 of Booking Calendar have some new features and many improvements.

    • Professional / Premium / Premium Plus / Hotel Edition / MultiUser versions features:
    • Coupon discount systems – a way to have discounts. Customers can enter a promo code and they get some discounts (Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Automatic expiration/cancellation, when bookings aren’t being confirmed by admin within a certain timeframe and not paid by visitor. Auto cancellation process start to work, when some visitor check availability, in other words open a page with booking form. So its not require then CRON functionality. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Posibility to send or not send autocancellation email and enter reason for auto cancellation preocess. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Possible to book many different items / rooms / facilties via one form – one booking form for several booking calendars. Using this feature is require creation of new additional booking form customization, where will be inserted several calendars in format: [calendar], [calendar id=Booking resource id1],… Example: <div style=”float:left;margin:10px;”>[calendar]</div><div style=”float:left;margin:10px;”>[calendar id=2]</div><div style=”float:left;margin:10px;”>[calendar id=3]</div></div>, where [calendar] – Default calendar (You are select this resource at popup, when insert it into post/page); [calendar id=2] – Calendar of resource ID=2; [calendar id=3] – Calendar of resource ID=3 (Premium Plus, Hotel Edition)
    • Set default country selection inside of country shortcode at form fields customization page. Example of default selection “United States”: [country “US”] (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Set checkbox as required field. Now you can use shortcode [checkbox* name_of_chek_box “”] inside of customization form page ( * – required symbol for shortcode ) . So your visitors, must to checked this checkbox for submiting booking form (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show inside of popup insertion shortcodes dialog additional options for insertion shortcodes: [ bookingedit], [ bookingform] (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Fix of showing booked time as 24-mode or 12-hour with am/pm at mouse over tooltip, depends from saving time format at the general booking settings menu. (Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show Pending and Approved tables for “parent” booking resource with capacity more then one as a one table, and not as sepearte tables as it was before. Its make more easy managment of bookings in this view mode. (Hotel Edition, MultiUser )
    • Set invisible booking forms of booking resources, which is not exist anymore, at front end. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Email templates new shortcode: [id] – ID of reservation (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Show booking resources line with many booking resources at booking page in more comfortable view. Set “Toggle Down”/”Toggle Up” box, when mouse over this line and if number of booking resources more than 5. (Professional, Premium, Premium Plus, Hotel Edition, MultiUser)
    • Features and issue fixings in All versions:
    • Posibility to set “Thank you” message or redirect to “Thank you” page after user is made reservation. Its usefull, for exmaple, when need to use google analitycs for the bookings checking. At premium and higher versions this feature active only in situation, when cost is not zero.
    • Add translations of thank you message to use it inside of PO and MO files
    • New style of showing block days in calendar, after visitor make reservations. Now days become unselectable and no time icons, when visitor press submit button.
    • Fix issue with “Show all booking tables” button in Safari browser, when this button is pressed before all page is loaded.
    • Fix of not showing “Reason of cancellation” at email template during decline process of booking at version 2.6.
    • Fix of showing Notice at DEBUG MODE ON “has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0!”
    • Fix of showing Notice at DEBUG MODE ON “Notice: Undefined index:…”
    • Fix of activation plugin, when DEBUG MODE ON
    • Code refactoring
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