Is there a code that would allow me to bold the linkable words I use in my blog posts automatically for every post?
My website is and for example, in the phrase “you can find this jacket HERE” I would like “here” to be bold and all other underlined links in all of my posts.
I am not very tech savvy so would need a step by step instruction if there is a way to do this. Thanks in advance!
.post-entry a {
To add CSS: If you are using WordPress 4.7, use the “Custom CSS” option in the customizer. If your theme has a custom CSS option, use that to add the CSS shown above. If not, install the plugin Simple Custom CSS. Or, if you have Jetpack installed, enable its Custom CSS module.
Learn the Chrome Developer Tools to help you see and test changes to your CSS.
]]>Also how does this code know to only bold the items that are clickable?? Just trying to get a better grasp on CSS. Thanks again!
]]>the “a” selector targets links.