First, your site doesn’t validate. You may say “who cares?” and that would be your perfect right ?? However, a validating site has more chance to load quickly and be properly rendered on most browsers. One common error is that you are using <br>
but your DTD declares your site as XHTML transitional. You should be using <br />
. You also have a few unclosed divs.
Your ads by google appear to also be playing havock with your validation.
You need more content. The site is bare ??
The overall feel right now is just that, a bit bare. I often tell people their sites are too busy, but this one errs on the opposite end, just a wee bit too simple. in fact, as it stands, it appears to be a vehicle for the Google ads more than anything else.
Sorry to be blunt. I’m sure that when you have more content in there, it’ll feel much better.
Good luck.