• Resolved quantum17


    Hi there, since updating to Woocommerce 3.3.2 from 3.3.1 I have noticed that all product images on my website (catalog, thumbs & main product image) have all gone blurry. They were perfectly sharp before the change and I can’t understand why this has been changed. Could someone please clarify the following:

    *Tweak – Gallery thumbnail image size to handle small, square cropped images.

    Which file and code has been edited for the above change? I need to stop whatever changes have been made in 3.3.2 to the images, as its a totally unnecessary change for my website. Please assist.

    Kind regards,

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  • Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    That change was the addition of a size. Example URL?

    See https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/wiki/Thumbnail-Image-Regeneration-in-3.3- You may need to regen, or ensure the correct dimensions are specified by the theme.

    Thread Starter quantum17


    Hi Mike, thanks for the quick response. So if I was to disable image regeneration and image resizes using the following code would this stop the change from happening?

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_background_image_regeneration’, ‘__return_false’ );
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_resize_images’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    No thats not what I meant. The regen will regenerate your thumbnails to the sizes defined by your theme or settings. I’m thinking you need to regen so they appear correct size.

    Without a link I cannot see whats going on your site.

    Thread Starter quantum17


    I’ve had to rollback to 3.3.1 which works perfectly until I figure out whats going on. Whilst trying to make changes to the update I did regenerate thumbnails and it did nothing. I just wish to know how to remove the 3.3.2 image changes from the main files as I don’t want these changes to happen.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    It’s likely due to the size being used by the theme/or in settings being declared smaller that what you need. 3.3.1 does have a 2x size but if thats what you’re seeing it’s a workaround, not a solution, and not something present in 3.3.2 or going forward.

    Again though. Without a link this is a guess. I don’t have psychic website viewing powers.

    Thread Starter quantum17


    Hi Mike, I do appreciate your help I just don’t wish to post my link publicly, I’m just looking for some insight. My thumbnail images before were not square they were 71×83, these have been cropped down to 71×71. How do I get them back to 71×83?

    Also the link to ‘Looking for the product display options? They can now be found in the Customizer Go see them in action here.’ displays nothing, the whole customizer is blank.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    I’d start by ruling out other plugins/theme affecting that Customizer if it doesn’t work if you access it directly (appearance > Customizer).

    Which thumbs are 71px? Gallery or catalog or what?

    I have the same problem – gallery images are blurry now. They should be 160 px square, and even after regenerating thumbnails, they are 100px (but are being blown up to 160px)

    The customizer does not give an option for the thumbnail gallery on the product pages. I rolled back to Woocommerce 3.0.0 and the thumbnails are perfect.
    Not sure what to do at this point?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by leanndixon.
    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley (a11n)


    What is the solution to this? I’m encountering the same problem after update and there’s no way to select catalog image size now you have moved it to the customize menu!

    found the solution on the wiki for anyone it may help:

    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_get_image_size_gallery_thumbnail’, function( $size ) {
    return array(
    ‘width’ => 148,
    ‘height’ => 148,
    ‘crop’ => 0,
    } );

    Thanks dbh21, your solution works like a charm. If someone copy/paste dbh21 code and it won’t work check all quotation marks, because this wysiwig editor mess with them and change straight quotation marks to this with a tail, that are not recognizable in php.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by fidel2006.
    Plugin Support AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Since this is resolved, I am marking it as such. If you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.

    YES Thank you! I’m glad someone finally found the solution to this!

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