Bluehost is no good with WP 2.6
Bluehost will hang on you (cpu quota) if you have 2.6 and use custom fields often.
Not necessarily. Make sure that you have the WP Super Cache plugin:
Also, here are some steps which can be used to help cpu and speed with any host, although I’m assuming cPanel is used in my examples below. If you don’t have cPanel, contact your host to see how you would get about doing some of the options. Some of these examples are small and perhaps a bit nit-picky, but its worth going over…
1. First step: Repair and Optimize. Always. And often. Your database has been updated a dozen times in the last day, whether you’ve posted or not. There’s a lot of chance for errors there, so you might as well check.
? Log into the cPanel and look for PHPMyAdmin. You’ll find it under Databases. *Click*
? When your database(s) come up, look on the left. Pick one that looks like “WP01”. *Click*
? Notice the table that appears. This contains all your posts, categories, comments, blogroll links, Users, etc.
? Scroll to the bottom. Find Check All. *Click*
? To the right of Check All you’ll find a drop down. *Click*
? Find Repair. *Click*
? Done.
? Do it again for Optimize and repeat for all databases.
2. Deactivate plug-ins you don’t use, don’t need or don’t want. Then remove them from the plug-ins folder. plugins are the cause of many problems.
3. Switch to Fast CGI (Or switch from Fast CGI, sometimes, too)
? Login
? Click on PHPConfig (under Software/Services). Select the PHP5 FastCGI button. Save.
? (Note, all the documentation says this will dramatically speed things up. This has not been my experience. Still, try it.)
4. Don’t leave your Write page open all day. It’s a small thing, but WP will autosave.
5. Avoid plug-ins or widgets that go out and get RSS feeds. These include the RSS widget and those that look for Twitter tweets.
6. Turn off the Formatting Options in Settings
? In WordPress, under Settings->Writing uncheck both Formatting options. Especially “WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically”.
7. Don’t post via e-mail/word. Just. . .don’t. Write your posts in the Write interface and copy/paste it into Word when you’re done or when you take a break. Don’t make WP spend time parsing your Word file.
? Use Summaries in Feeds. Under Settings->Reading, select use Summaries in Feeds.
? Consider showing less posts on each page while you’re here. Or less items in each feed.
? Don’t make WP e-mail you. Under Settings-Discussion, turn off any e-mail notifications you don’t need; especially redundant ones. If you go to your blog daily, don’t worry about having it e-mail you for comments. Just turn that off.
8. Nofollow links you don’t need.
? While it’s often useful to have “nofollow” removed from your comments, to encourage other bloggers to provide pingbacks and comments, there’s no need to have your Meta widget followed by Google.
? Install
? Go through settings and noindex/nofollow the stuff you don’t want/need Google to look at. There’s no reason for bots to spend time on your pages if they don’t need to. Especially if it’s a big site.
? Turn off Date Based Archive. Really, you should be ok without it. At the least, nofollow/noindex it. You do want your author archive enabled/followed/indexed. Helps boost your name’s Page Rank
? Stop people from linking to your search results: Redirect “external search results” to your homepage. This prevents people from linking to your search results, which means they search every time they link to you. That costs you CPU.
9. Use Google Search. This will let Google do the CPU work for your searches, gives you a surprising amount of credibility and brings you money. (
10. Reduce image/video/flash/etc sizes. Use Photoshop, Gimp or Fireworks to reduce the image size. Look up tutorials on how to do it in Google. You’ll find oodles. Gimp, by the way, is free.
11. Reuse images. If you’re using the same images often, use the same one. Upload it into a folder inside wp-content (using FTP) called “MyImages” and manually link it. Especially for large images. This way, the browser says, “No, don’t bother sending that. I already have it.”
12. Use a Category Only RSS feed, rather than requiring everyone to use the main RSS Feed. To do that, use a link that looks like: This way when someone only wants to hear about “My Dog”, they only hear about the dog and you only get queried for one category instead of all of them. You can put these in as a text widget (be sure to code it manually).
13. Use the WP Super Cache plug-in, especially when you’re expecting a big hit. Find that at: You may need to turn it off while editing posts (or clear the cache from it’s Settings page) as it often doesn’t refresh a page after an edit.
14. Reduce the excess in your CSS, JS and PHP. If you’re doing things that are redundant (telling a Strong tag to be bold) take it out. No reason the server should spend any time working on that. The browser will do it.
15. If you have the option, use arrays to populate your queries rather than calling them repeatedly to grab different pieces of information.
16. Update. Update. Update. WP updates often have more than just security and feature fixes. They also have streamlined code. Use it.Phew! Done. As I said, some of them are picky, but they are things you can at least consider. Many of these steps will help to speed up and help better functioning and performance from almost any site.
5. Avoid plug-ins or widgets that go out and get RSS feeds. These include the RSS widget and those that look for Twitter tweets.
I wish everyone would follow this.
BernardBorealis right on target. I have been following half of the things you suggested based on my own experience.. but learned a lot more just by reading your comment..
by the way.. my blog was also put down for heavy memory usage but now that I am on Media Temple.. things are little less hectic!
Thanks for sharing..
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