After weeks of irritating, frustrating back and forth with BlueHost I got this final insulting and inflamatory reply (below) from Danny Ashworth, their VP and owner. ([email protected])
Gives you an idea of the incredibly lame, weak, worthless and doewnright antagonistic attitude that obviously comes from the company’s leadership.
Hey Stave,
Have a martini and take your prozac.
So it was an accident that you sent a fraudulent e-mail to me? The e-mail was not fraudulent. Your site was deleted because you lied about the country you were from.
And it was an accident that your tech support guy asked me for private and confidential credit card information via e-mail?
It is not a crime to ask for it via e-mail.
And then it was an accident that you guys still refuse to acknowledge severe weaknesses in your handling of this matter and the utterly unacceptable “service”?
We accepted the fact that we did not handle it in the best manner possible but you would not be happy no matter what we did so it would be better for us both to have you go make some other hosting company miserable.
And it was an accident that you’ve totally confused “fighting fraud” with despicable manners, business sense and common courtesy.
With people like you signing up I think we will increase our FRAUD protection. I wish we had some idiot protection because then you would never have
been able to sign up.
OK. You shall reap what you sow. Such a pity you are so incredibly weak and worthless, like an accident waiting to go out of business.
We are in the top 10 fastest growing hosting companies in the world I think we will survive without an “Extensive overland backpacking traveler” who can’t seem to keep a Job for more than a few years.