• “An error occurred while connecting. Check your settings.”

    I know that this isn’t the BloGTK blog … but I am stymied by this error message. I am (trying to use / using BloGTK 1.1 on Ubuntu 8.04).

    Although I seem to have my blogs set up properly, I get this message IMMEDIATELY after trying to connect. It’s not like it’s timing out because a password is wrong or it’s waiting for a 404 message. It’s sudden.

    I also cannot select either of the blogs I’ve set up in the editing screen … they simply don’t show up in the selection boxes.

    BloGTK looks to be even better than Windows Live Writer … except, at the moment, on my machine its borked.

    I’d be happy if you could just point me to a forum for BloGTK. Of course, I’d be even happier if you could tell me how to fix this, instead.

    And no, loading a copy of Windows doesn’t count as “fixed”.

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