Blogrolling error
First I must congratulate with WordPress 1.2 – even for a totally dumphead like me with no experience in php it was easy and smooth.
I have one error though, and I appologize to all of you that must thinh – dogh…not again – I cannot import my blogroll. The error states:
Warning: file(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /customers/ on line 116
Warning: file( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /customers/ on line 116
Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /customers/ on line 116
XML error: no element found at line 1
I ahve been reading og how to fix the bug in 0.72 – but I guess it does not apply to this version. As I am aware trying to migle in php without knowing how to do it will only make a new and even more fatal error.
Please reply in baby language ??
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