• I have just establish a Blogroll column in my right sidebar,
    but when it appeared the type size was far too small by about 50% I’d say, and try as I might inthe css styleheet and elsewhere I cannot find how to increase the size. The theme is called sade 1.1 and my URL is https://arabicbellydance.net/

    Can anyone possibly help me, I’ve tried to solve it for at least two hours probably more.
    Thanks, Jim R.

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  • I think this is it:

    /* Sidebar */
    width: 22%;
    margin: 0 50px 0 0;
    padding: 40px 0 0 0;
    font-size: 22px;
    float: right;

    I think you can change the font size to suit your taste.

    Thread Starter sandalwood


    Thank you for your response Clayton, however, unfortunately that does not do it, having tried it several times, no change in type size occurs there or anywhere that I can see as a result of the change,

    Actuaklly the 22px that you see is there from my last attempt, the original value was 11px — which certainly is a smallish size. I’ve re-done it and updated several times, I’m baffled.

    Any other suggestions I cantry ?

    Thanks anyway, Jim R.

    Thread Starter sandalwood


    I wonder if something later is over-riding the 22px, or whetehr there is another style sheet, if so I cannot fin it though I have looked.
    Jim R,

    Strange. Worked perfectly for me using firebug. In fact I thought the font already looked quite large. Did you refresh your browser cache or force a reload from the server after making the change? Perhaps you are still viewing the cached style sheet in your browser and not the actual changes.

    Thread Starter sandalwood


    I’m not sure what that means, but promising is the fact that it works for you, and yes, the original type before i loaded the blog widget was a suitable size, but it immediately reduced down to about half that original size, probably the 11px that I changed to 22px.

    If you could further explain your above comments, or lead me through a procedure maybe I could get somewhere, right now I will exit entirely and reload the url. I hope you are hanging in there with me !
    I’m not ususally this dumb.

    Thread Starter sandalwood


    An additional comment on the problem: I removed the previous entries and the type size of the sidebar items went back to the original size. However thay were not at all affected by the 22px size-change nade in the css stylesheet — so that entry in the styleshhet seems to have no affect.

    Then, I re-entered the “link widget” and it immediately added the title Blogroll and changed the type size to the very small size again.

    I’m still baffled, can anyone make a suggestion on this ?

    thanks Jim R.

    Thread Starter sandalwood


    Another questio, is there a different routine than the one I’m using to try as an alternative does anyone know?
    Jim R.

    add a new line at the end of style.css:
    .blogroll {font-size:15px;}
    or whatever font-size you like.

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