• I posted this a few hours ago but it seems to have vanished…
    Trying to import my blogroll from Blogroll.com resulted in:
    Warning: file(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/httpd/vhosts/phildobbin.com/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-admin/link-import.php on line 116
    Warning: file(https://rpc.blogrolling.com/opml.php?r=06bb3ea24c53f5a0d4f229297daba473): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/httpd/vhosts/phildobbin.com/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-admin/link-import.php on line 116
    Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/httpd/vhosts/phildobbin.com/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-admin/link-import.php on line 116
    XML error: no element found at line 1
    I talked to my hosting provider and they reckon it’s either:
    a) `fopen()’ enabling
    b) safe mode
    They reckon they can’t do both, so which is the safest bet to get this to work?

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  • I’m getting the exact same error.

    Any ideas? I’m a novice to mysql and php.

    I had the exact same problem when trying to import a blogroll from Blo.gs via a url.
    A quick check at php_info() told me this:
    allow_url_fopen Off
    And a check at my providers support page told me that they run PHP in Safe Mode.
    A search at php.org gave this hint:
    Regardless of how you run PHP, you can change certain values at runtime of your scripts through ini_set(). The configuration option will keep this new value during the script’s execution, and will be restored at the script’s ending.
    So I added this:
    ‘ini_set(“allow_url_fopen”, “1” );’
    on line 6 in my link-import.php
    and now I have a successfully imported blogroll.

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