• The blogroll disappeared from my WP blog. How do I put it back?

    What does this mean?

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=0&title_li=’); ?>

    Where do I insert this? How do find the place where I am supported to insert it?

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  • Thread Starter autismne


    Let it be known there is no link at the bottom of my page. Unless you define a link as text that does nothing when you click on it.

    are you on crack? that link goes to the site of the author of the theme you are using.. ive clicked the damn thing 10 times already since you started this ridiculous thread.


    thats a fricken link, and thats why you need to get help.

    And youre arguing with me over it is why I wouldnt help you for all the money on the planet.

    Let it be known there is no link at the bottom of my page

    Sure there is… as sure as I’m on my third Fosters’s ??

    Dude, click on the word “Cutline” at the bottom of your web site (and re-download the three column split theme from Chris’s site and start over).

    Just a side note: I’m thinking that with the Cutline theme, if you edit your “Archive” page and apply the template that came with the theme, it won’t throw a 404 anymore. Your about page and site-map is fubar’d as well.

    p.s. Whoo seems like a pretty sharp cookie. Just ’cause she cuts to the chase doesn’t mean she’s wrong.


    @ whoo..


    wettin’ my pants… must be the Foster’s – Holy friggin hell, I’m gigglin’ like a little schoolgirl…



    Thread Starter autismne


    The link you cited was:

    ? 2006–2007 Autism News Beat

    Did you click on that?

    Thread Starter autismne



    Thank you for taking the time to clearly explain what I need to do.

    The link you cited was:

    ? 2006–2007 Autism News Beat

    Did you click on that?

    Nope. click on the word “Cutline”, at the bottom of your home page.

    Here is a link directly to the download of the theme that you are using.


    Thread Starter autismne


    Yes, I’m sure whooami knows her stuff. She just hides it well.

    And I know my site has some problems, and it would be nice if there was a place I could go for answers.

    I now know better than to ask WordPress how to use WordPress.

    yeah right — thats why it took 10 posts for you to put on your glasses and actually follow instructions.

    We can only wish you could hide some things as well..

    I gave you a picture and you couldnt get it.

    Thread Starter autismne


    Now my site has gone completely blank. Thanks for your expert advice. Oh, I forget, you’re a volunteer, so I guess it’s OK to give muddled advice.

    Your site went blank not because the advice you received here but because you did something wrong. Period.

    If you want to ask concrete questions and give details about what you did – please, do so.

    If you want to rant… I will close the topic. Are we clear?

    Thread Starter autismne


    Thank you, Moshu. I would be happy to start over again.

    I downloaded the theme, as I was advised, once I was told to click on the word “Cutline”, and it was explained to me what I needed to look for.

    Then I revisited the WordPress instructions on installing a theme. Since I was replacing the same theme, I thought I needed to deleted the old, corrupted theme first. So I deleted it. Then I uploaded the zip file to the theme folder in wp-content, and extracted the contents, per the WP instructions.

    Now the instructions tell me to go to the Administration Panel on my blog. But my blog is blank. So how do I access my admin panel?

    I’m sorry things got out of hand, but your volunteer needs to realize that not everyone lives and breathes WP. She could have been more clear. That’s all. Now I’ll try to behave.

    Thread Starter autismne


    It says I need to install a stylesheet. I don’t see that in the zip file.

    Current Theme

    All of this theme’s files are located in .
    Available Themes
    Broken Themes

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    Stylesheet is missing.

    there is a style.css in the zip, just like there was a link at the bottom of your page.

    Secondly, there should not be any stray files inside your wp-content/themes/ directory. There should be theme directories, and then files inside those directories.



    tells us that you are putting files inside your themes/ directory.

    Thats wrong.

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