• The blogroll disappeared from my WP blog. How do I put it back?

    What does this mean?

    <?php wp_list_bookmarks(‘categorize=0&title_li=’); ?>

    Where do I insert this? How do find the place where I am supported to insert it?

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  • thats the code that displays your blogroll

    Put it where you want to display your blogroll.

    If you need more specific direction, look inside the unedited sidebar.php files that come with both the default and the classic themes.

    Thread Starter autismne


    I pasted the line of code into the r sidebar.php file. It doesn’t look right. The text is too small, and part of it overlaps with the text in the middle column.

    I thought WP was more user friendly than this. Isn’t there a drag and drop, WYSIWYG version?

    Thread Starter autismne


    Is anybody there?

    Thread Starter autismne


    I pasted the blogroll code in the r sidebar.php, when I go into xHTML, I see this (for each line in the blogroll). What am I doing wrong?

    # Error Line 361, Column 17: document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag.

    <li><a href="https://autismdiva.blogspot.com/">Autism Diva</a></li>

    The mentioned element is not allowed to appear in the context in which you’ve placed it; the other mentioned elements are the only ones that are both allowed there and can contain the element mentioned. This might mean that you need a containing element, or possibly that you’ve forgotten to close a previous element.

    One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as "<p>" or "<table>") inside an inline element (such as "<a>", "<span>", or "<font>").

    Isn’t there a drag and drop, WYSIWYG version?

    No, you are editing theme files.

    Youve removed practically everything from that file except the widget stuff.

    Go get the zip for the them you are using.. there is a link to it at the bottom of your site. Youre using cutline 3col split.. the download is in the middle-ish part of the linked page, and its identified by cutline 3col split

    Once you have that, open the unedited file in a plain text editor and look at it.

    One thing you will notice is that the default right hand sidebar file has this:

    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/archives" title="Visit the archives!">Visit the archives for more!</a></li>

    That would be a good place for you to put your blogroll.


    At the very least you need to wrap what you have in <ul> and </ul> tags.

    why do i not see this reply in my profile?

    perhaps, its because when i look at this in ie, the html that was inserted into this post has rendered it almost unreadable?

    Could a mod kindly fix the OP’s last reply, please?

    It is there in your profile:
    (around the middle of the page)
    Since your first reply was 4 days ago – it will not come/jump on the top of the list as it does on the main page of the forum… in your “contribution list” it stays in the order according to your first reply.

    It took me a while to figure this out ??

    [tried to fix the code in OP’s reply, too]

    ohhhhh, oke. Interesting. thank you ?? Here I have always thought that subsequent replies pushed them up that list as well.

    Thread Starter autismne


    Youve removed practically everything from that file except the widget stuff.

    I don’t know what this means. I wouldn’t know how to remove anything from “that file” – I’m not even sure what file you’re talking about.

    Go get the zip for the them you are using.. there is a link to it at the bottom of your site.

    What is a “zip”? There is no link at the bottom of my home page.

    Youre using cutline 3col split.. the download is in the middle-ish part of the linked page, and its identified by cutline 3col split

    What linked page?

    Once you have that, open the unedited file in a plain text editor and look at it.

    Does this have anything to do with my BlueHost control panel?

    One thing you will notice is that the default right hand sidebar file has this:

    That would be a good place for you to put your blogroll.


    At the very least you need to wrap what you have in



    Does “what you have” refer to the line of code that I inserted in sidebar.php ?

    Why does it take four days for an answer?

    I recommend getting some paid help.

    And the reason it might take days for an answer is because we are volunteers, and believe it or not, we do have lives apart from posting here.

    It took you 13 hours to come back here after one of my replies. Whats your excuse? Im guessing you have a life.

    Thread Starter autismne


    No, I gave up.

    And I recommend WP learn the meaning of customer service, and offer clear directions for their software interface.

    ill restate it — this is a volunteer forum. We arent paid. We are the customer. I use WordPress. I AM A customer.

    Furthermore, this is free software, it comes with no “service” agreement, no promise of support, no “hey Im making a ton of money off you, so I’ll spend the next 2 hours hooking up your blog for free”. No email address, no phone number.

    Thats how free software typically works.

    There is a assumption made that people that want to use WP have a cursory knowledge of how the Internet works, and how their computer works.. ie, asking “what is a zip” and what link at the bottom of my page” are immediate flags that you dont have a clue. No disrespect intended.

    The fact is that people that get overwhelmed by these things need to get outside help, or stick to something simpler.

    WordPress.com. blogger, etc..

    And really, upgrade your blog. Youre running a version that is hackable. Do yourself and the rest of the WordPress community a favor and be a responsible web master.

    Thread Starter autismne


    There is no link at the bottom of my page. That statement comes with the assumption you read English. No disrespect intended.

    I posted a question on the forums last week asking which version of WP I need for Mac. Still waiting for a snarky volunteer to offer a cryptic answer. Can’t wait.

    is this NOT your blog??


    there sure is a link at the bottom of your page.

    Put on your glasses.

    ? 2006–2007 Autism News Beat — <a href="https://autism-news-beat.com/sitemap/">Sitemap</a> — <a href="https://cutline.tubetorial.com/">Cutline</a> by <a href="https://www.tubetorial.com">Chris Pearson</a>

    Hows that for snarky?

    And maybe no-one answered your question because it was so easily answered by reading the docs.

    WordPress doesnt care if you use a mac or a pc. Its not an executable. It cares that you have a web server that supports it. And all of THAT is already covered in the FREE documentation:


    People like you amaze me. There are hundreds of people that cross these forums every month that understand that this is a free deal, and also know that their own breadth of knowledge is going to need to be expanded on if they intend to succeed. They are a pleasure to help, gracious, and open to learning.

    And then there are the “you”‘s — the ones that seem to think that they cant/wont/or don’t need to learn anything in order to archive something. They cant be bothered to think, they cant be bothered to read.. they just can’t be bothered.

    They take their frustration out on volunteers, when they ought to be off reading what a fricken zip file is.

    They are the reason Matt will inevitably get rich over wordpress.com ??

    Oh and they insult the ppl that have attempted to help them..

    Let it be known, that I originally attempted to help you in a most pleasant way.

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