• Hi everyone,

    I can’t get anyone at Bloglines to answer me, so I am posting here in hopes that someone has some insight to the problem. (I searched the support archives and found others with the same problem, but no clear answers.)

    My WP blog was installed about two weeks ago. I put in the fixes to validate the feed, checked it with feedvalidator.org and one or two other validators, and everything seemed fine.

    You can sub to my blog via Bloglines, and things look ok but never update. I emailed BL two weeks ago, they said they were resetting the feed, and it worked once or twice afterwards (it would show an update within 24 hrs of me posting a new entry). That’s crazy slow. Now it doesn’t update at all. I emailed them again but have received no reply.

    I use the Sage extension on Firefox to read blogs, and it sees my updates every time (and immediately), so I don’t know what – if anything – there is for me to fix?!

    Here’s the URL: https://www.twosheep.com/blog
    Here’s the RSS: https://www.twosheep.com/blog/wp-rss2.php

    I would appreciate any assistance in clarifying this.


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  • Have you upgraded to The latest version includes some feed fixes which may remedy your problem.

    I am on and seeing the same problem. If you add a feed and do a preview, it will see all posts. However, it takes FOREVER for bloglines to pick up a new post. I have to believe it is on their end. Although, MT feeds seem to be picked up right away.

    Is anyone seeing this same problem with other RSS readers? What reader are you using?

    yea…i agree with professorfalkon…test with some other aggregators. i have found bloglines to be extremely slow and buggy lately (some major feeds of mine stopped working for weeks), and updating seems to be strange. sometimes it’s immediate for my blog, other times it takes a day or so. try netnewswire and see if the behaviour still exists.

    I have same problem to bloglines, it only showes my oldest two posts, then it stopped there.

    So I used my.yahoo.com, it can show all my updated posts without any delay.

    Moderator James Huff


    Personally, I’ve been leaning towards NewsGator (the free account, of course). They accept pings as well as send out their own bot. So, as long as you’re sending update pings to ping-o-matic, you’ll instantly see your new post(s) listed on NewsGator.

    Wow, cool–thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, I’m not on the latest WP, but I’m starting to get tired of upgrading only to discover that I need to upgrade even further. Very frustrating. I’m going to upgrade to today and see what happens.

    As for the aggregator I use, I actually don’t. I use Bloglines to manage my blogroll. However, when I go to my rss page myself, it’s blank, well, not entirely blank but where I should be seeing my content, I see nothing. You can see the results here:


    No worries, though–I’m going to just do a new install of WP and simply point it at the same db. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks again for all the advice though!

    Ditto to all the above. Bloglines imports all my posts to date when I create the account, but then never updates. If it were just me, I would say that moving to another aggregator would be fine, but a number of my readers use bloglines, so it’s not about me, it’s really about those who want to see my content.

    My site is https://www.onlywonder.com.

    I’m in the same boat. Reeeeeally slow on the updates. The feed validates, but Bloglines is just not updating it with any promptness. I’m going a little crazy here and can’t believe that this is still going on (original post in this thread was Mar 25).

    Site: https://jason.designshift.com/blog/
    Feed: https://jason.designshift.com/blog/feed/

    I have been having the same issues with Bloglines and have contacted them on a number of occasions. My feeds often don’t update until a day or two later. Today I received the following reply after I again mentioned my wordpress blog was slow to update to BL:

    “We have reset the feed mentioned in your email below. If it does not update within the next few hours, please get back to us. WordPress blogs seem to update more slowly then other types of blogs; our technical team is currently investigating this issue. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. Thanks again for writing.”

    Bloglines runs a helpful service, so hopefully they can get this issue resolved!

    Has anyone had any success on this issue? I got the same reply from Bloglines that mlyman, but now it’s been over three days since Bloglines has updated my feed.

    me too. https://mocoblog.com
    i’ve never had success with them showing new posts.

    OK, so it seems to have been resolved… at least for me. According to Bloglines:

    “We believe the problem has been fixed, and regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused you. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.”

    And since then, my blog has been getting updated within a few hours.

    Of course, the fact that I pestered them may have had something to do with it.

    Whatever the reason, it works for me now.

    well, it doesn’t seem to be resolved here. Whenever I post a new entry bloglines seems to decide randomly whether it shows an update or not.

    my site: https://www.acheta.de

    If anyone is still having issues with Bloglines, the best result that I can propose is contacting Bloglines directly. I have had two issues with them — this one and when it wasn’t recognising my favicon. Both times, they responded to me and were able to fix the problem “manually”. They are quite open to helping. HTH.


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