• I am having trouble getting Bloglet (www.Bloglet.com) to work properly with WP. Has anyone had it running successfully, and if so, what did you use for settings?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    You might want to talk to Skippy about that. I’m sure that he would be willing to fix that for you.

    I have talked with Skippy. He says it’s not on his priority list. Unfortunately.

    Try https://yoursite.foo/wp-rdf.php at bloglet.com…

    Thanks for the suggestion, Schulte.

    In one blog, I have tried using in the server field at bloglet.com
    https://mydomain1.com/wp-rdf.php This gives me a green checkmark in the status column, but so far, no email announcement.

    In the other blog, I am using https://www.mydomain2.com/feed/rss which gives me a green status check mark and after several tries, I finally have an email announcement.

    And I have tried https://www.mydomain1.com/feed/rss on the first domain, but I get the error message telling me this is not going to work.

    Any other thoughts?

    And, of course, I may have to come full circle back to Macmanx’s comment that Bloglet is broken and not rely on it.

    It’s just that I know that most of my readers are not as likely to sign up for RSS feeds, so I wanted to make email alerts available. I already have subscribers.


    This worked for me.

    weblog title: (name of your site)
    weblog url: (https://blog.yourDomain.com/wp-rss.php)
    weblog id: (leave blank)
    username: (leave blank)
    password: (leave blank)
    server: (https://blog.yourDomain.com/wp-rss.php)
    weblog type: (RSS)
    enabled (check)
    hide this blog (uncheck)
    email setting (set to your liking)

    I would give it two days, because it finally began working.



    For what it’s worth, I’m no longer using Bloglet, as it continued to work irregularly with WordPress feeds (at least for me anyway).

    Been using Skippy’s Subscribe2 2.1.5 now — https://www.skippy.net/blog/category/wordpress/plugins/subscribe2/ — and have liked the results (I did meddle with it a little). I did run into the scheduled sends issue recently and asked him about it. He said that hooking subscribe2 into WP-Cron would be a possibility. I don’t believe he gave a timeline, but this certainly would address pre-scheduled post notifications. In my case, I’m more concerned about the post content appearing than the notifications themselves — and if I want to force the issue, I just set the status to draft and then to publish to force the notification to go out for a particular posting.

    I switched to it as well. I feel that over all it gives more and is more accurate for my needs. It actually is great, I have run into style issues where it doesn’t line up properly with the theme I am using, but I figure it is still better than Bloglet. Main reason, the notifications are sent immediately – not a day later.

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