• Hi there,
    as a few of you may already know, there is this cool photo sharing site called https://www.flickr.com.
    One of the handy features available once registered is that you can blog any pic to you own site. Cool!
    Problem is that the title of the picture doesn’t show up where it is supposed to because apparently this feature is lacking in WP (according to their tech staff).
    See also here: https://www.flickr.com/forums/help/1323/
    This is a pity, as other bloggers accept also the title and that makes life a lot easier. They (flickr.com) claim a patch for WP is ready but no interest was shown by the developers on this side of the problem…
    Is that true?

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  • Well I do not know who the WP technical staff are. I wish we could find them ??

    The best person at Flickr to talk to is Cal. His email address is his first name at the domain of the company that makes Flickr (ludicorp.com).

    Arthur, thanks for emailing me. I’m not sure why exactly Flickr won’t work, but there are a few known bugs in 1.2’s XML-RPC but they should all be fixed by the time 1.3 comes around.

    Anonymous, Cal is also contributing to WordPress now, so it’s a nice connection. ??

    I used the metaweblog API and it seemed to work fine for me with WP1.2, I’m a bit reluctant to update to a CVS build, I’ll just wait for 1.3, but as it works fine (for me) under metaweblog API, I’m not too bothered.

    I was also able to get Flickr to post using the MetaWeblog API, but WordPress doesn’t “publish” the post. Meaning, I go to my blog page, but the post doesn’t appear. It appears in the edit screen and the status is set to publish.
    The unfortunate problem is that, using the BloggerAPI, the post gets published, but without the title.
    In other words, none of the APIs completely work for me (yes, I’ve also tried MT and the others).

    I had the same problem regarding the MetaWeblogAPI creating an entry but not getting it to “post”. Argh.

    I just noticed this bug is still a problem in 1.2 — I can post from Flickr with the metaweblog API, the post’s status is publish, but it doesn’t show up (switching status from published to draft and back to published makes them show up). Posting from Flickr with the Blogger API shows up, but there’s no title for the post.
    Flickr works fine with a 1.3 nightly I’m using on another site — publish Flickr posts with titles. Isn’t there any fix for 1.2? (besides upgrading to an alpha?)

    any resolution to this problem on 1.2?

    The guys over at Flickr say they’ve posted a patch for this, but they won’t post it as a hack or a plugin–any chance we could get some answers on this? Not being able to moblog automatically defeats the purpose of moblogging at all. If you have to edit each post it requires a full browser and not just a cell phone. Hell, I can’t even get the email posts to work. This is pretty frustrating seeing as I love WP and don’t want to switch from it just for this one problem.

    So, nothing new on this front? I’d really like to be able to moblog directly to my existing blog. Not sure why something as simple as this can’t be done. I can moblog straight to blogger, but not WP…

    Actually, I solved the problem, sort of. I use the Blogger API setting at Flickr instead of the metaweblog API. I am having trouble getting the title to show up, but hopefully I’ll get this worked out. Regardless, I can moblog directly to my WP blog, so I am very happy.



    the new version of wordpress is out, but I’m still having trouble getting flickr to play nice with my blog ?? has anyone seen any progress with this?

    I haven’t heard anything new, but it’s odd I can post to Flickr no problem, and I can send a test from Flickr to my blog no problem, so maybe it’s in the format of the pic, or the data which gets added at flickr???

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