Blogger Switcher
Hi, I’m lost. So here is my situation.
1) I am using Blogger on my site, hosted at godaddy (I have ftp access).
2) I have 3 year of stuff all in the one folder
3) I want to switch to WP, but I don’t want to lose all those posts.
How can I get WP on my site and yet save the Blogger stuff? I tried importing it but since I have it off the Blogger hosting it won’t transfer.
Thanks in advance.
If you change the Blogger site to be on a address, then the importer will work and you’ll be able to get all your posts and such. It can’t import a blogger page that’s setup to be published via FTP.
However, importing directly to a GoDaddy site might not work for other reasons (GoDaddy hosting kinda sucks). To work around this, you can create a free blog at, import the blogger data to there, export it from there as a WordPress export file, and then import that into your own hosted WordPress blog.
Thanks Otto42. If I change the Blogger back to will it transfer all the files hosted on the server?
I’ve been avoiding the switch because I felt that all this was over my head. Great support ?? as I was told.
cheers, and in advance, thanks.
No, blogger doesn’t work that way.
See, Blogger normally generates pages on the fly. When you hit a site, you get the template plus all the post stuff filled in and such. No problem, right?
But when you publish to an FTP like you’re talking about, Blogger works differently. As you know, it generates all those static HTML files and sends them to your site. When you move it back to a name, it won’t remove those files from your own site, it will just stop sending the files there. It doesn’t transfer any files because there’s nothing to transfer. Blogger has all your posts and comments itself, the only thing it ever did with your FTP site was send the generated HTML files to it. Your site is not those HTML files, your site is inside Blogger itself. Those HTML files are just a static version of your site.
Anyway, you can even switch Blogger back to FTP after doing the import to a WordPress installation and it will still work.
So I have done what you suggested and “most” of the posts made it over (800+) but I noticed that the one I had with mp3’s or Wav’s didn’t. {EDIT: OMG the did transfer over!!!! WOOT}
So should I just redirect the WP hosting to my host site? Or should I install, or as the case may be use the “Install for free” option?
I guess I can’t reorganize my FTP or the posts on WP won’t show []
Once you have it on, you can export all those posts to your own computer under the Manage->Export screen. Then that can be imported into your own personal WordPress installation on your own host.
After you’ve exported, you can delete the blog, it was only for temporary usage.
Again, Thanks Otto42. OK so yes I have “exported” and then tried to import, but the file size is 2.2megs and I got this message:
“The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.”
What should I do?
See if your host can increase the max upload file size. At least temporarily.
Thanks jc13, but couldn’t I edit the ini file? I tried with TextWrangler (Im on a Mac) but it wouldn’t recognize the file. It did read the php file I had to config when I first transfered.
Is there something I can use to get into the ini…?
Again thanks
Are you hosting yourself?
Another way to work around max filesize limits like that is to split the export file into multiple files.
If you look at it closely with a good text editor (I like TextPad), you can easily understand the format it uses. Just split the <item>’s off into separate smaller files and import them one at a time.
OK, I’m learning, you guys have been great.
If I understand you, I cut at <Item> all in between to </Item> but do I need any other info before or after in the cut import? For example here is a cut:
<title>URGENT: Font Size Problems?</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 07 Feb 2008 13:37:25 +0000</pubDate>
<category domain=”category” nicename=”uncategorized”><![CDATA[Uncategorized]]></category>
<guid isPermaLink=”false”></guid>
<content:encoded><![CDATA[Is anyone having problems reading the body or the small print such as the comment sections? I really need to know.]]></content:encoded>
<wp:post_date>2008-02-07 09:37:25</wp:post_date>
<wp:post_date_gmt>2008-02-07 13:37:25</wp:post_date_gmt>
</item>but before and after there is information the end this follows:
</rss>do I need to include that in the second cut, along with the beginning <rss><channel> to turn on?
Thanks again this is all quite new to me. I know how to edit HTML but this is a bit over my head, yet I’ve got this far.
Oh and I am not hosting my own, Godaddy is :-/ I’m having enough problems just getting this running let alone starting a server LMFAO.
Right, the rss and channel elements will be in both files, both before and after the items.
And you are hosting your own. You paid for your hosting on a third party service. Around here, that’s “self-hosted”. As opposed to using instead.
Thanks, I did it and all is kinda well. I got most of the posts back but it doesn’t seem to have imported my January posts, odd. Anyway it’s inconvenient but no great disaster. You guys have been great thanks.
I have responded to another thread inquiring about raising the php.ini limit of 2Mb or 3Mb. I post 15Mb MP3 files and I’m going to have to FTP them instead of use the WP file d/l’er. If I could I’d like to avoid that.
Apart from the above issues, for those who fall upon this thread, it wasn’t too difficult to install on your own at all.
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