• Hi WordPress people!

    I think I am going to throw in the towel on blogger. I had used blogger to publish on my own domain, then transferred it to blogspot.com and improved it a bit, but when I went to republish it on my own domain I found I would lose all my formatting- and would have to use some fairly limited blogger tools if I wanted to FTP publish on my own domain with them.

    Well, since I would have to do a bunch of work anyway to get back to publishing on my own domain, I decided to take another shot at WordPress. I had tried it once before without much luck but this time it is going much better. Using automated tools on my hosting provider, I have already got WordPress installed at https://www.caltrade.com/news. Next, I got my existing blog at: https://caltrade.blogspot.com “imported” to a WordPress blog at: https://caltrade.wordpress.com/

    This WordPress account is an interim step. I want to publish on the WordPress I have loaded at https://www.caltrade.com/news so the next step I will take it to “export” the data to that directory- and I saw on another post that this generally works. (I haven’t done it yet because I don’t want to get penalized for duplicate google content).

    My main issue now, is getting started with a good template. I don’t know much about CSS or XHTML so this may be a learning curve for me but I want it to looks something like what I have now at https://caltrade.blogspot.com (though I know this has TONS of room for improvement).

    Specifically, I want room for some fairly prominent ads, as I do now- and would also like to put an ad on the page the comes up when you click the “read more” link.

    I tried a few template loaded on my own server last night and was hoping I could load “widgets” easily like on the layout tools in both blogger and WordPress.com. I also hoped that that these widgets would allow javascript and iFrames as I have an ad server, and other tools I would like to add to this blog. What is the best way to go about this? Are there any design tools out there I could use, or could I use the WordPress.com layout too to develop a script? – or do I need to try to learn the scripting language?

    Like everyone, I would like a nice, professional looking blog so please let me know if there are some good templates I should look at, or the best and quickest way to get going on this.

    Thank you


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  • No need for “scripting language” – just the good old html and CSS. If you want to have your own custom theme, there is no other way:

    Another alternative – hire a pro to do it for you…

    Thread Starter robmarkg


    Hi Moshu, it is much more daunting then you might think if you have never done it before, however just after I posted this I saw the notice for WordPress 2.2 – the upgrade went fine and it has two things I desperately needed- the blogger import and the widget tool. Everything seems to be working smoothly this time.

    Now my requirements are much more basic. I am basically just looking for a good 2 column template with an extra wide right sidebar- big enough to have 200 x 200 ads and other widgets (see my existing blog at https://caltrade.blogspot.com for rough example). Color preference would be blue and I would like the top header to not hog too much room like the WordPress default does. Also, would like to be able to put an ad/widget on the “read more” page but can probably cross that bridge later.

    Can anyone recommend any sharp looking professional templates that would fit these general requirements to get me started?



    (since it is always a matter of personal taste… you’ll have to browse the hundreds of themes)

    Thread Starter robmarkg



    Why do you keep shutting down posts with these kinds of comments? i.e. “You will just have to learn the scripting language” – which I found out the next day wasn’t true (with the release of 2.2). Now “it is just a matter of personal tastes” – I put very specific request for the kind of theme I needed, i.e. the extra wide right margin, etc, and was eagerly seeing what recommendations people might have. Are you trying to keep new people off your board for some reason?


    this isn’t moshu’s “board” and Im sorry, but 2.2 doesn’t include anything that takes away from having to familiarize yourself with WordPress’ template tags if you intend to customize or create a theme, and where he pointed you was the proper place.

    Recommendations? .. they’re a dime a dozen. Instead of posting nonsense replies you really ought to be doing your own legwork. It’s your site, and ultimately you are the one that has to like it.

    Need ideas, start here:


    or here:


    Lastly, please, wordpress uses themes, not templates. I’m not being bitchy, it’s a matter of fact that acquainting yourself with the “jargon” will ultimately make it easier to help you in the future. We all need to speak the same language.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    He answered your questions clearly and succinctly.

    -Nobody can pick your theme but you, because that’s a matter of personal taste.

    -There are hundreds, if not thousands, of themes. Asking other people to do your searching for you, for free, is weak, at best. Go find it yourself. There’s several WordPress theme sites that have great preview capabilities.

    -And for custom themes, yes, you will need to learn HTML, CSS, and PHP scripting. Zero question about it.

    Sorry, but those are the simple facts.

    Thread Starter robmarkg


    Whooami wrote:
    “Recommendations? .. they’re a dime a dozen. Instead of posting nonsense replies you really ought to be doing your own legwork.”

    Otto42 wrote:
    “There are hundreds, if not thousands, of themes. Asking other people to do your searching for you, for free, is weak, at best. Go find it yourself.”

    EXACTLY what is it about this board where some think it is important to be RUDE to new people? Does that get you guys off or something?

    The responses I have been given here so far are the equivalent of saying “you should look it up on the Internet”. I didn’t care for Blogger technology, but at least the people on their forums are cool and tried to be helpful. I’m have read through many, many posts here and have found DOZENS of posts of people asking for recommendations on themes. As I learn more should I act like you two and tell them they should “do more research”- or even be a real ass and post a link to Google for them?

    If there is anyone who uses this forum who is NOT a complete jerk, please note that I HAVE looked through hundreds of themes looking for one with an extra wide right sidebar that could fit a 250 x 250 ad. So far I have only found one and have put it on the blog I am developing at https://www.caltrade.com/news. It is not bad, but the ads barely fit in the space without even an extra pixel. All I was asking for was if anyone knew of one that might work better- I had no idea that was such a horrible thing to do here.


    p.s. Whooami- in addition to being a rude person, you are also factually wrong- WordPress 2.2 – which wasn’t even there when I posted this request, does automate many of the tags and widgets- if you had bothered reading the thread you would have known that was exactly what I was looking for.

    but at least the people on their forums are cool and tried to be helpful.

    How was *anyone* not helpful here? Moshu answered your questions. Yeah, he kept his sentences short – but he always does that. That’s his conversational style. Most of us have found that the KISS principle works well, especially with “newbies”. You start going into a long explanation, and you get nasty replies. He kept it simple for you. What’s wrong with that?

    many posts here and have found DOZENS of posts of people asking for recommendations on themes. As I learn more should I act like you two and tell them they should “do more research”- or even be a real ass and post a link to Google for them?

    Um…*no one* provided you a link to Google to find themes. You’ve been directoed to the WordPress Theme repository. You can search for the theme you want by columns, color, even all the way to rounded corners and left or right sidebar.

    As has been said, it’s a matter of personal taste. Would you get upset if someone suggested a theme you hated? I would think that you probably would – someone suggesting a crappy site.

    The themes repository is actually very easy to use, and it gives you lots of options. (Did you even look at it yet, or just assume* it was some sort of Google link?)

    I HAVE looked through hundreds of themes looking for one with an extra wide right sidebar that could fit a 250 x 250 ad.

    If you found one you like, and it’s as close as you can get, then edit it to fit your needs. When moshu said to “learn the language”, it’s his way of saying that if you want to take something like this on, you *should*. *Everyone* here is a volunteer. We also have lives. We try our best to help. We do not like to offer handouts.

    Especially when the person asking decides to take the answers given him and attempt to shove them up his helper’s ass. THAT is rude behavior. Won’t get you any points here. Everyone here is helping the best they can. Learn some patience and try to adjust your attitude – no one gets paid here.

    Thread Starter robmarkg


    Doodlebee wrote:
    “How was *anyone* not helpful here? Moshu answered your questions. Yeah, he kept his sentences short – but he always does that.”

    I never said Moshu didn’t try to be helpful- he did at least address my “why was my post deleted” question.

    “Um…*no one* provided you a link to Google to find themes.”

    Um- Yes, that is exactly what Whooami did- apparently just to be rude.

    “You can search for the theme you want by columns, color, even all the way to rounded corners and left or right sidebar.”

    I think part of the problem here is that people simply don’t read the posts. As I have already said, I looked at HUNDREDS of themes- in fact every single 2 column theme in the directory. I only found one that fit the criteria and just wanted to see if anyone had any other recommendations- I still don’t understand what is so horrible about that.

    “Would you get upset if someone suggested a theme you hated? I would think that you probably would – someone suggesting a crappy site.”

    Well you are wrong again. That may be the culture of this forum but why would anyone ask for a theme recommendation and then get “upset” if you didn’t like the theme they recommended? Even this would be useful information as it would suggest that the one I found might really be the best or only choice.

    “The themes repository is actually very easy to use, and it gives you lots of options. (Did you even look at it yet, or just assume* it was some sort of Google link?)”

    Where did you think I found the hundreds of themes you mentioned in your next sentence? Once again, YES, I have gone through the directory.

    “We also have lives. We try our best to help. We do not like to offer handouts. Especially when the person asking decides to take the answers given him and attempt to shove them up his helper’s ass.”

    Actually I have reached the opposite conclusion- in addition to being one of the rudest forums I have ever seen, some people seem here to have LOTS of time on their hands. All I was looking for was for someone to take a quick look at what I am doing and say “Rob, have you checked this theme out” – it would have taken FAR less time then the insulting posts here- but again some people apparently get off on that.

    When I was a young journalist (several decades ago) I was taught people who write long texts are capable of other crimes, too.
    While writing all these useless posts of yours you could read about how to actually modify a theme that you like to have a wider sidebar to fit the ads you want to put in.
    Or ask a targeted question, like: hey guys, I found this XYZ theme and I’d like to make its sidebar Npx wider. How should I proceed?

    That would have saved a lot of time and bandwidth…

    lol wow.

    In my own defense, I didn’t provide a link to Google for the sake of providing a link to Google- I provided a link to Google with, what I thought, were fairly obvious search terms. The idea behind the link was to provide you a simple way to look at what some other people have done with WP. Not to toss you to the wolves over at a search engine arbitrarily.

    The statement “powered By WordPress” seemed to be best query I could come up with, at the time.

    Secondly, I’ve been using WordPress for approaching two years. I have a 2.2 install currently running as well as another version. I say that only to stress that experience, in this instance, does matter..

    “WordPress 2.2 – which wasn’t even there when I posted this request, does automate many of the tags and widgets”

    and it’s blaringly obvious where we arent communicating

    Theres a jargon issue going on here.

    A template tag is not the equivalent of what you are speaking of when you say “tags”. Tagging aka taxonomy is not what Moshu or I were responding to, and WP 2.2 has NOT changed the way template tags are handled. Widgets, are souped up plugins basically, and have very little to do with your core theme display – you still need to worry about the “other stuff”: template tags, which make up the core of any WP theme.

    “tags” like technorati or delic.ios tags.. those arent the same things. Thats just WP implementing its version of a very very popular plugin, basically.

    So, no I wasn’t wrong, nor was Moshu. You are simply reading tags, I guess and understanding them to be something else.

    I’m sorry you found my post rude.

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