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  • Same problem here, too ??

    Same here, too bad since this is a great plugin but there’s been no response in 4 days.

    Thread Starter Ghulam Haider


    Issue has been Resolved…

    I downloaded and used 1.1 version and got result. So, I’d recommend use it, might this helpful for you.

    Unfortunately, the resolutions I’m seeing posted here aren’t working. Both WordPress roll-back to 4.5.3 and plugin roll-back to 1.1 aren’t resolving the timeout issue.

    Anybody else find a work-around?

    If you started the import before rolling back to 4.5.3, you’ll need to clear out the BIE entries in your database. There are 3 in the options table.

    RESOLVED! Just to confirm for anyone else, a fresh install of WordPress 4.5.3 and v1.1 of the plugin works perfectly.

    WordPress 4.5.3:
    Plugin v1.1:

    elembee – can you provide a bit more direction on clearing the BIE entries?

    When I run BIE, it briefly comes up with a screen showing that it was nearly complete (I’d done it before but wanted to re-update, but that didn’t work because of 4.6.1, so desperation set in, anyway . . . )

    I need to clear the app’s memory of having done this before, for a fresh import. But I can’t find where to clear that information. Your post is the first that says “yes, I need to do this” that I’ve seen, but I need more information on how to do this, if you wouldn’t mind.

    Consegui usar quando da o erro (cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 1000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received) eu aperto a tecla F5 até pegar mais dai quando chega na hora de importar o conteudo do blogger ele n?o quer mais (pois eu já tinha importado mais deletei tudo sem querer) o que fa?o HELP?!

    Posted the edit that fixes this for 4.6.1 and likely others in another thread here

    edit file wordpress/wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer-extended/includes/client.php

    line 33 or so

    Change timeout to 30 from 0

    If you wouldn’t mind helping a guy out, where can I find the options table? I’ve been looking, and I”m convinced that you’ve got the solution to my problem of not being able to re-import my blog!

    OK, I sorta figured it out, guided indirectly by elembee’s note about clearing out the database.

    Follow these steps.

    1. Back up all your style sheet information, and any mods you have done.
    2. Roll back your version to 4.5.3
    3. Use WordPress Reset or an equivalent program to clear out the database
    4. Use BIE to bring in your stuff – it should work
    5. Restore your styles and whatnot from #1

    Notes on my personal experience:

    Yeah, I forgot to do #1, or really, reading the WordPress Reset notes, I didn’t think my styles would get eaten. So I’m hoping that my design guy has backups. Ergo, I could not do #5.

    Also, I got all my posts and many images, but BIE hung on the bulk import of images and the links. My blog was image and link heavy, so I’m not surprised.

    But the important thing is that I got all my content over. The rest is gravy.

    dmt4566, this solution worked for me, thank you!

    I am facing same problem with WP v4.8 and BIE v1.3.1. However when I changed the timeout to 30 at wordpress/wp-content/plugins/blogger-importer-extended/includes/client.php, I found marginal success with everything, except only 555 of 882 Images was imported. Now i am getting the same error “The importer has stopped unexpectedly!”.
    How do i import remaining images :(! Help anyone?

    Hi guys! Please, how did you resolve this? I′ve tried to do everything said above, but the plugin give me the same error: “The importer has stopped unexpectedly!
    But… don’t worry! It will restart automatically in 178 seconds”. Grrrrrr

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