• Today I was not able to Import blog posts from my Google Blogger account to WordPress. I have been doing this without problems until today. This is the error I get:

    HTTP/1.0 403 Invalid AuthSub token.
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Length: 167
    Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 05:05:29 GMT
    Expires: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 05:05:29 GMT
    Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    Server: GSE

    <TITLE>Invalid AuthSub token.</TITLE>
    <BODY BGCOLOR=”#FFFFFF” TEXT=”#000000″>
    <H1>Invalid AuthSub token.</H1>
    <H2>Error 403</H2>

    Any suggestions on how to correct this are greatly appreciated!

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  • WordPress.com users had this very problem last week and their support people fixed the problem without anyone having to “get around” the problem.

    www.remarpro.com support needs to do the same!


    This is also posted in the blogger importer plugin section:

    I attempt for almost a YEAR to import a Blogger Blog to WordPress without success. My blog has about 15.000 posts, and 23.000 comments. All tools I tried failed on some part.

    Most hosts doesn′t allow large database import, and many get errors, kind of import posts but not all comments. I really would like to import to wordpress, since my site is really bad with the new Google Blogger Auto-Pagination.

    For 2 days now, I′m getting this error reported. It′s another error to the collection. I hope wordpress people could find a solution to it.

    Dihelson Mendon?a

    This Markel guy from WordPress.com support fixed the same problem that we are having here. Below are his to posts on the wordpress.com support forum:

    Happiness Engineer

    Aug 5, 2010, 12:23PM

    We are checking with Blogger to see why this is occurring. For now, you will not be able to use the authentication method to import your Blogger content. We’re actually going to lock that down for now so people don’t use it and keep running into errors.

    You can still use a Blogger export file and import it by uploading it to the importer.

    I’m going to sticky this post so everyone can see it until we have resolved the issue. We are responding to tickets as they come in at Support.

    Aug 5, 2010, 6:13 PM
    The Blogger importer has been repaired and you can now import your blogs using the authorization method.

    im still getting the authorization message….how do i fix it?

    I am still getting the message too but Ravensong suggestion works! Thanks!

    The Blogger importer didn’t work and I cam ehere to see if there were any solutions, and I found this. So I tried it with one of our staff blogs, and it didn’t work. I’m getting this:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/base/python_runtime/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/ext/webapp/__init__.py", line 513, in __call__
      File "/base/data/home/apps/blogger2wordpress/1.342259769852558481/blogger2wordpress.py", line 38, in post
        output = translator.Translate()
      File "/base/data/home/apps/blogger2wordpress/1.342259769852558481/b2wp.py", line 136, in Translate
        return wxr.WriteXml()
      File "/base/data/home/apps/blogger2wordpress/1.342259769852558481/wordpress.py", line 143, in WriteXml
        return XML_HEADER + ElementTree.tostring(indent(self._ToElementTree()))

    I don’t know if the blog is simply too big (8.1MB exported out of blogger), or what’s wrong.

    Any other possible solutions? An iFrame isn’t an option for us unfortunately.



    The xml converter won’t work. It says the file size is too big. The file is only 15mb.

    WHAT do I do now? I need too finish my client’s blogger to WP switch.

    The auto import failed for me as well, but the work-around was pretty flawless.

    My blog content was small at 164kb and I’m using WPMU 2.9.2; it worked fine but didn’t migrate the Flash objects. I’m assuming WP stripped those out. I’ll have to look for an alternative plugin or try to re-embed those I guess.

    Thanks Ravensong, your workaround worked beautifully for me!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Blogger Importer should now be fixed. Update the plugin to 0.3.

    Comment on update to 0.3

    It worked, but not entirely. My Blogger Blog is about 14.000 posts and 23.000 comments. I applied the importer and could import all posts, but only around 2000 comments. What do you suggest on how could I import all comments ? What is causing such failure ? I′m trying for more than a year now, to import this Blogger Blog without success, and it continues to grow…

    Thanks in advance,

    Dihelson Mendon?a



    Yes there is also another problem :
    when I tried to import my posts from blogger to wordpress by using wordpress import tool, it imported all the posts but added “>” in front of all the posts title.
    so anyone faced such a issue.

    Have installed the blogger importer which imported the existing blogs from blogspot fine. What I cant seem to find out is :does it keep importing them? – hasnt done yet. this is only a test for a client so no 100s of blogs to import.
    And if it should- is there something I should be doing?

    I want to cry! I keep getting this error when I try to move my blogger (foreverclumsy.blogspot.com) to wordpress (https://www.foreverclumsy.com).

    The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error. A detailed error message follows:

    The site “https://www.foreverclumsy.com&#8221; has not been registered.

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