• I’m stumped, completely.

    Set up a new WP-blog three days ago. Private server, new domain name. Works like charm in any browser when using a computer.

    But when trying to access the site with an Android phone (directly and not via wifi) and Firefox or the default browser, people get screen saying something like…

    “The request is not understood. Technical description: 400 Bad Request – Check your spelling for the requested url”

    …or that the domain/site doesn’t exist or similar.

    However, when using Opera, it works.

    The site has a Swedish domain name with Swedish native characters. But also the “real” name as punycode. Regardless of which they’re using, the get the error messages above.

    Can someone figure out what’s going on?


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  • Hi Dan. I’d be happy to look into this with you. What is the domain name in question?

    Thread Starter danvendel


    Hullo Brad,

    A million thanks for your offer. The site’s domain is
    https://rapporter-fr?n-v?lf?rden.se (native) and https://xn--rapporter-frn-vlfrden-k2bcr.se as punycode.

    However, I have drilled further into the issue. Came up w the brilliant idea of asking friends with Android phones and different phone operators (= different DNS servers) to test.

    They came up w the same problem as I have. As long as they used the Andoid native browser, Firefox or Opera Mobile, they couldn’t reach the site.

    However, when using Opera Mini, they could (even if it looked like dog’s barf in that browser).

    Hence, I’m lead to believe that it’s the browsers (save from Opera Mini then) that simply can’t handle the domain. Weird.

    However, I’m right now cloning the site to another, more simple domain, hoping that will solve the problem and that it’s NOT a WP or server issue at all.

    Honestly, I’ve encountered odd problems in my days, but this made me lose foothold completely.


    Thread Starter danvendel


    PS: I have now copied the site and moved it to domain https://rapporter-fran-valfarden.se i.e. a domain without local characters.

    Anyone trying to enter the site using URL:s https://rapporter-fr?n-v?lf?rden.se (native) and https://xn--rapporter-frn-vlfrden-k2bcr.se as punycode will immedeiatelly be transferred to the above.

    The former domain was just registered, as of about noon US Eastern time, 14th November. My ISP:s DNS has already updated the new domain and I can view it in my computer’s browsers. But when using the phone I get the same “the isn’t any domain with that name” as before.

    I’ll give it a day or two to propagate throughout the entire net….


    Hi Dan. I just tried https://xn--rapporter-frn-vlfrden-k2bcr.se on my cell phone and it worked OK. I’m not sure of the technical details, but your investigation sounds like the default browser is indeed the problem.

    As long as they used the Andoid native browser, Firefox or Opera Mobile, they couldn’t reach the site.

    However, when using Opera Mini, they could (even if it looked like dog’s barf in that browser).

    Thread Starter danvendel


    Great! Can you pls let me know what kind of phone you have? And perhaps which browser you used?


    Hi Dan, I’m have Android on a Samsung phone, and I’m using the default browser that comes with it.

    Thread Starter danvendel


    This problem has been solved. It had nothingto do with WP:

    The domain registrar and web host are different. Hence, the domains DNS are pointing to the web host. For some reason, the registrar hadn’t changed the DNS Security (dnssec) from “signed delegation” to “unsigned delegation” on these two domains.

    Thus, some DNS servers refused connection to the sites while others allowed it.

    Eventually, the registrar manually changed the DNS settings to “unsigned” and when this had propagated throughout all DNS servers around the world, the sites became accessible for all.

    Case closed.

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