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  • The only thing I see in BLOG:CMS that interests me directly is the integration of a forum. Did I read correctly that comments are actualy made in the PunBB forum and not in a typical comments system?
    That is impressive. But that developer guy is an assclown. I am not sure it is worth dealing with his crap to use his product.

    Thank God. I am not the only one who thinks he was being unbelievably unreasonable and well jackass.

    Sushubh, you aren’t the only one and I’m glad you are over here on these forums! ?? Are you still using BLOG:CMS? I thought it was cute, if all you want to do is pull it out of the box and blog. But, I’m not like that. I want it to look the way I want without getting a headache or feel like I’m pulling teeth!

    Sushubh, you definitely aren’t alone, that guy was an idiot.

    Reading that forum post was enough for me to not be interested.
    He seems only to want praise and worship for a product he put out thinking was perfect.. and does not want anyone to point out any flaws.
    Besides I am happy with what I have created and setup using WP(and I haven’t even upgraded to 1.2). I don’t feel like tossing away the hours I’ve spent on it to use some new program with an admin that doesn’t appear too helpful

    Oh come on… this guy did *spend 1000 hours on it* (I’m surprised he hasn’t changed it to 1002 or sth) And he’s doing it all for free man…. when he could be charging $5000 a client.
    And oh my!! It has the best default looking template. What else do u want…. and look at the hardwork he has put in… The install package has gone from 3mb from 1mb in nucleus. 350kb of documentations!!
    That’s bigger then the whole WP installation. So many goodies for you…
    all by some egoistical fool -_-“

    (on the default template, curious ones should have a look at Dotclear, a French blogware engine (don’t know if it’s available in english) : installation wicked easy as WP, and default templates really clean and pretty) (have a look at or, default templates used there)

    Hey people. TG just discovered why WP’s default template is not that good looking. Because we just do not want all the WP Blogs to look alike! Matt is smart… ??
    Similar cases of hidden agendas can be seen from the fact that there is no email notification on this forum. So we have little option but to bounce back to the forums again and again and again ??

    Sushubh, check out what happened to your post
    “Because Open Source is not about Favors”

    Good lord. People are taking things way too seriously. I hope isn’t next! Yeesh!

    Is that why the support forum was going so slow earlier this morning?

    duh, people here knew abt my hacked site before i did ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    yesterday developer of renamed CMS Gnucles into “his” Blog:CMS (95% of original Gnucleus with add-ons of other people) did make DoS attack on my site and site of my friend with dirty comments, he did it after writing criticism from my side and my friend
    opinion about if you want to choose CMS with that kind of developer (who attack other sites where is critic about him/BlogCMS) is on you

    What are you talking about, Gnucles and Gnucleus? I think you have Gnutella on your mind. Or, perhaps you just got a Gmail account! You meant to say Nucleus CMS, right?
    So, the referenced developer didn’t write anything on his own? I thought he spent over 1,000 hours on Blog:CMS. BTW, did he ever get Blog:CMS to include multiple categories and subcategories for posts like he promised he would?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    yes i meant Nucleus (not Gnucle(u)s), it’s just mistake, but maybe I have Nutella on my head ??
    and I didn’t wrote that hi did write nothing but sure nothing which cost 1000 hours, maybe 5% of code…

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