Now that is more than strange! After reading all of your suggestions I’m as far as I was before. Maybe there is WP Ghost out there … but it happened again.
“If the date on that post is 3 weeks ago and you deleted that particular post, then the database was likely restored. If the date is today, then that means the install.php was probably run today meaning you installed WordPress into a new database or even into the original database but with a different $table_prefix in wp-config.php.”
Now, in my case the date of the ‘hello world’ post was December 30th.. I first installed and updated WordPress on December 27th and the crash happened on January 8th. ???
How it happened to my blog:
Last night i wrote the last article on my blog, this morning it was gone…. not only my article from yesterday was gone but – EVERYTHING! – The only thing reminding on my blog was the template settings of the sidebar. All posts where gone, all pages where gone, all categories went the same way… wherever that might be. Instead i have the default post and comment and my blog screems “Hello World”. McHow2 Blog
Oh, and the plugins where all still there and activated. That makes it even stranger as they would not be activated after a re-install.
(Clarification – I’m restoring all posts at the moment manually, so there will be something there by the time you read this)
How is that possible? What did i miss? Anybody else here having such a strange experience? I’m frustrated to the bone! The Mysql database shows only those two posts. Server side info is that someone must have broken in and deleted all posts…. rubbish. I did not re-install anywhere anything, just went to bed, got up and all was gone. I’m afraid after setting it all up again that I wake up tomorrow and have the same problem again.
I would love to get to the bottom of this. Any help and suggestions are higly appriciated.