“So I delete everything from my FTP, except wp-content folder, and upload from my backup? No. Please re-read my post above.”
OK – Well I don’t understand what you want me to do. I just want to make sure I screw this up even more especially because I’m not clear as to why, all of a sudden, the blog is not working and I can’t login to my admin. Before I do any of these things I want to be clear – I download WordPress, then upload that download to my FTP, then upload my files – but not the wp-content folder? What do I do with the current wp-content folder?
Should I look for support from the company that makes the theme I have? I have a custom theme and do want to keep the blog looking the same.
“And how to I switch to the 20/11 theme within my ftp?
Please see the instructions I posted above.”
So I just put “old” on the theme folder that I currently have and that’s it? It will automatically pick up the 20/11 theme?