Blog URL issues
I run a wordpress blog with connections as my theme.
Today I was checking my logs (Latest visitors) when I happened to spot a request for
Now no directory called forums exists on my blog, but on typing the URL it lead me to the same page as my home page,with the URL being the same as what I had typed in the browser. In frustration, I even typed out”:koff, and was led to the home page the same way as last time.
I happened to check my theme, and did not spot a 404.php ( Correct me if I am wrong).Is this simply why any request for a url not existing led to the home page, or has my page been compromised?. I have a couple of other blogs which also run on wp- ( default kubrick) and they promptly spitted out 404’s when queried for such URL’s.
To resolve this problem, do I need to create a 404 file ?
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