• ok, I was going to use WP for a gig calendar for a sax player’s site I’m designing now but it looks like entries don’t show up if the date is in the future? If I post in past or present, no prob, but if I change the time stamp to a future date, it desappear from the published blog… Still in the database and edit panel.
    Any idea?

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    i’ve also been trying to figure out how to get the calendar to show postings in the future. after some muddling through the code, i finally got it to work. its actually quite a simple modification.
    open up template-functions-general.php in the wp-includes directory. change line 415 from:
    AND post_date < ‘” . current_time(‘mysql’) . ‘\”, ARRAY_N);
    AND post_date <> ‘” . current_time(‘mysql’) . ‘\”, ARRAY_N);
    there also seems to be another pull from the database on line 439 which limits by the current date:
    .”AND post_date < ‘”.current_time(‘mysql’).”‘ “
    .”AND post_date <> ‘”.current_time(‘mysql’).”‘ “
    i’m not entirely sure what the change to line 439 seems to do, but i figure it doesn’t seem to hurt anything. if anybody can provide a little more information on this, it’d be much appreciated.
    make sure you’ve edited the wp-blog-header.php file as described above to get the posts to actually show (not just on the calendar).
    it would be especially badass if someone (maybe i’ll be able to figure it out myself) could modify the code so that if you’re looking at your blog from a particular domain, or if the query_string had a certain variable in it (say dev=1), that the calendar would show future dates. or i suppose another way to work it would be to add a variable to the get_calendar function where if you call it with say get_calendar(‘dev’), it would show you the future dates. then on your index page, you could just add the php code to differentiate between a person who should be seeing the regular site and one who should be seeing the ‘dev’ site (showing future posts). hope that makes some sense.
    anyways, wanted to chime in that wordpress is quite a fantastic tool. been working with it for just a little while and i’m amazed with its quality and the support for it.

    Hi all,
    I have just installed the category specific/”blog to the future hack” on my installation of WP 1.2 Mingus at https://www.richmondyouthcentre.com – the programs page shows the future events from only category 2 (the programs category), and so does the calendar.
    However, when I accessed the RSS feed, I ran into trouble. The RSS feed doesn’t show the future date posts.
    Here’s my code so far:
    if ((empty($poststart)) || (empty($postend)) || !($postend > $poststart)) {
    //$where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";
    //Future Date Hack :
    $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59');
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";
    } else {
    $future_offset = 3600 * 24 * 45;
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',(time() + ($time_difference * 3600) + $future_offset));
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";

    If someone could help me out, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

    that’s really bad, my code above is missing an important line when I copied and pasted.
    Here’s the code again

    if ((empty($poststart)) || (empty($postend)) || !($postend > $poststart)) {
    if (!($cat == '2' || $cat == '1')) {
    $now = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:59');
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";
    } else {
    $future_offset = 3600 * 24 * 45;
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',(time() + ($time_difference * 3600) + $future_offset));
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    so, does anyone have this working and can walk us through the setup?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Agreed, where exactly do we stick this code?

    Hey, just read this post after finishing my own site for a small festival that still has to take place (in october). So I had this same problem. In the future I will defenitely use this hack, but for now I just wanted to mention my silly solution for php/wp dummies I came up with:
    I used customfields to enter and display the correct dates (like ‘october 11th’) for each event, but ordered all my posts/events by posting them in the p??st. So each event was posted in from august 10th to august 18th, but the festival will take place in october 10th to october 18th. This way the order is correct and the pages will display in the same manner as always, like oldest on top or vice versa.
    Silly, I know, but it was eureka to me ?? ??

    This is all very confusing, does anyone have a step by step guide for putting upcoming events? Or does someone have this running that I can look at?
    I am only wanting upcoming events in the side bar of my site as links…
    My site is hornbag.net if interested.
    Many Thanks!

    I agree with everyone else looking for a complete walk thru on this hack… anyone up for it??
    What I’m looking for is future posts to show up in the calendar but not on the main page unless you use the calendar to go to that date.
    Any help in putting all these ideas together in a complete walk-thru I know would be appreciated by the rest of us peons.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Following the hacks above I have the calendar & archives showing all the days/months in the future. I wanted to have 45-days out to be limited only when viewing the homepage (index.php)

    if ((empty($poststart)) || (empty($postend)) || !($postend > $poststart)) {
    if ($monthnum == '') {
    $future_offset = 3600 * 24 * 45;
    $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',(time() + ($time_difference * 3600) + $future_offset));
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$now'";

    Basically it checks if $monthnum has a value. If it is blank we must be on the homepage.

    Sorry, previous post is not correct.
    This is what I am using. The code show all events 45 days out from today only on the homepage.

    if ((empty($poststart)) || (empty($postend)) || !($postend > $poststart)) {
    if ($monthnum == '') {
    $begin_offset = 86400 * 1; // 86400 seconds in a day.
    $end_offset = 86400 * 45;
    $today = time() + ($time_difference * 3600);
    $start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',($today - $begin_offset));
    $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',($today + $end_offset));
    $where .= " AND post_date_gmt <= '$end_time' AND post_date_gmt >= '$start_time'";

    can you guys be more specific as to where exactly you’re pasting this code (file names) and which (if any lines) are being removed or placed? thank in advance.

    Anyone know how to do this for 1.5? The lines in wp-blogheader have changed.

    OK, just worked it out for 1.5, in classes.php line 489 replace:

    $where .= ” AND post_date_gmt <= ‘$now'”;


    $where .= ” “;

    (the calender hack above still works)

    There’s a plugin available that will allow you to do this. I think Kitten wrote it… called “Event Calendar” if I remember right…..

    LEt me see if I can find it.


    Ah! Here, see if any of these help:


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