• Tami Veldura


    WordPress 4.1.1 running Hueman theme.

    I’ve just started my website and installed this theme fresh. No child themes.

    The titles of my blog posts have artifacts (“>) and many are partially or fully duplicated.


    Help please?

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  • bdbrown


    Hi Tami. The post title on your first Featured post is using this code:

    <a href="https://www.tamiveldura.com/the-business-of-writing-q4-review/" rel="bookmark" title="The Business Of Writing: <span class=" caps"="">Q4&nbsp;Review">The Business Of Writing: <span class="caps">Q4</span>&nbsp;Review</a>

    How is the actual title of the post entered?

    Thread Starter Tami Veldura


    Hi BD,

    The title is entered: The Business Of Writing: Q4 Review
    Just text, no code.

    The entire blog was transferred over from Blogger, and I thought there might be extra coding caught in that transfer, but haven’t a clue where to go looking for it. The ‘text’ side of the post editor doesn’t give me any code around the title.



    Not sure how you did your conversion but apparently there is a potential for character encoding problems. This article discusses that and offers one solution. Might try that and see what happens.

    Thread Starter Tami Veldura


    Thank you BD,

    My host migrated all my content for me so I’m not sure of the details. I’ll dive into the article and see what’s up.

    Thank you for looking into it!

    Thread Starter Tami Veldura


    Well, I’m not really surprised to find that commenting out the character set didn’t work.

    I guess ‘artifacts’ isn’t an accurate word for this. More like HTML code from the blogger site has been included inadvertently in the transfer.

    If anyone else has suggestions on where I can edit the files that were imported from blogger I’d be grateful!



    How far into the new site are you? There are a host of articles on the net describing the process to convert from Blogger to WP. Might be easier to just start over?

    Thread Starter Tami Veldura


    Only a couple of days. I’ll open a ticket with my host, first, and see if they have any suggestions since they migrated the site in the first place.

    I’m digging in my website’s files trying to determine where the imported data has been stored. At the very worst I can edit individual posts from the back end.



    I’d start with the wp_posts (or whatever prefix you might have given it) table. All the posts, pages and attachments should be in there.

    Thread Starter Tami Veldura


    AH! Database being the key word there. I’ve located all the imported info. Turns out the extra HTML is not listed there which just baffles me.

    The code is clearly being called into the Hueman template from whatever Title variable is used.

    How aggravating.

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