• Yesterday I uploaded a new blog theme. Used theme test drive plugin. Have not seen my blog since. It just loads into a blank page. Been working all last night and today with my web hosting tech support to get something to show up at https://www.1stopmom.com. I really need to get all my posts and content from /blog site. It would be great if I could get the site back up and running but I will be grateful for any help at all. I can not access my dashboard or anything. Tried to backup usings phpMyadmin and that did not work either.

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  • Try resetting the plugins folder via FTP or phpMyAdmin. If you can manage the phpMyAdmin approach, use it. Experience suggests that it offers the best success rate in eliminating problematic plugins.


    1) Either rename the Plugins directory from FTP or deactivate all Plugins from database.

    2) If option 1 fails then rename theme folder in wp-content/themes via FTP to cause WordPress Default theme to be place into service.


    Shane G.

    Thread Starter bacon741stopmomcom


    thank you. I renamed both the theme folder and the plugin folder. my blog still comes up with a blank page but I am able to login to my dashboard now ?? and there are all my posts. But I still wonder why the main page is blank??

    If you renamed the wp-content/themes folder, set it back up properly again. Shane’s Suggestion 2 should have said “rename your current theme’s folder”.

    I’m having the same issue. I’ve deleted all of my files (accidentally deleted ‘Classic’) the only theme I have left is ‘default’ After renaming the themes folder via FTP, I’m now able to access my dashboard. However, the homepage is still blank. ;(


    I uploaded in my cpanel, the scarlett theme. when i went to my WP dashboard==>themes (couldn’t get to ‘appearance’), this is what I encountered:

    Warning: uksort() [function.uksort]: The argument should be an array in D:\Hosting\4535942\html\wordpress\wp-admin\themes.php on line 65

    Warning: array_slice() [function.array-slice]: The first argument should be an array in D:\Hosting\4535942\html\wordpress\wp-admin\themes.php on line 86

    Manage Themes
    Current Theme

    All of this theme’s files are located in .
    Available Themes

    Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in D:\Hosting\4535942\html\wordpress\wp-admin\themes.php on line 174

    Warning: natcasesort() [function.natcasesort]: The argument should be an array in D:\Hosting\4535942\html\wordpress\wp-admin\themes.php on line 175

    Tried to backup usings phpMyadmin and that did not work either.

    Why did it fail?

    Have you tried re-uploading a fresh copy of WP 2.7.1?

    Thread Starter bacon741stopmomcom


    I am not sure why phpMyadmin failed, it just went to an error page. I finally was able to get into my blog again, thank you so much.I was able to get access to all my posts. The problem now is if you enter the url https://www.1stopmom.com you get a blog with a different background than 1stopmom.com. Is there any way to fix this?

    I’m seeing exactly the same backgrounds, theme and overall post content on both https://1stopmom.com and https://www.1stopmom.com . I did notice that the latter had different sidebar content, though. Are these two different sites? Or are you pulling in Featured Blogs etc from a 3rd party site?

    Hi, can someone address my issue too??

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter bacon741stopmomcom


    My featured blogs is coming from a 3rd party site, one of them is Entrecard. Do you think that is why the sidebars are different. I would like the sidebar to be the same though.

    Thank you

    @coloredgirlspeak: switch to the default theme.

    My featured blogs is coming from a 3rd party site, one of them is Entrecard. Do you think that is why the sidebars are different.

    Yes – in that my guess would be that you had to enter a site url when you signed up for Entrecard, yes? Which one did you use? And which url do you want to use for your site?

    It’s possible to get the “other url” to also redirect to your site. But first I think you need to decide, and then standardise, which url you are going to use. For example, what url is entered in Admin/Settings/General?

    @esmi…the dashboard won’t allow me to get in…I can only click on ‘themes’ and then the above error message appears…the option ‘appearance’ is not available. Clicking on ‘themes’ is as far as I can get. ;(

    @coloredgirlspeak: FTP into your site and delete the wp-content/themes/scarlett folder. That should automatically reactivate the default theme.

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