• Hello I’m trying to do something with my blog that I’m not sure how to do right now. I created a number of pages and now my blog posts show up in the archives but not on the home page. I actually kind of like having the post on the main page stay as a permanent first but I want the blog posts to show up below that. Can someone help me figure out how to make that happen?
    My page is https://www.helpyourcreditnow.com and the Home page is the one I’m trying to get the blog posts to show up under. Thanks ahead of time for your assistance.

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  • Is it possible that you have allowed only one post to show on your home page?

    In your WP admin panel go to Settings > Reading and set the field “Blog pages show at most” to 5 or 10 and see what happens.

    Thread Starter troy.pickens


    I have it set to 10, and I see now they are actually at the bottom of that page, but under the leave comments section. Is there a way to remove the leave comments from particular pages? I see that under the reading section under the settings there is an option for the home page to be a static page, which is cool, but what I’m trying to have is sort of like one Post that is ALWAYS on top, and then all the new posts will show up under that. Is there a way to do that?


    Is there a way to remove the leave comments from particular pages?

    You can turn off comments for individual posts/pages.

    m trying to have is sort of like one Post that is ALWAYS on top, and then all the new posts will show up under that

    Make that one post a sticky post.

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