Blog Redesign
I’ve redesigned my blog. Please give me feedback. Thanks.
url >
Looks nice. Looks like Relaxation.
oops my browser didnt show me your post until I posted. Yes it’s relaxation.
I like Relaxation…except for one thing. And it’s just me. But I don’t like how much space there is on the left padding of the sidebar.
It just seems uneven. More space on the left than on the right.
But, like I said, that’s just my nitpickyness.
Other than that, I dig it.
here’s my css, can you tell me how to fix the sidebar padding please?
html, body {
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color: #808979;
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.alt {
line-height: 1.4em;
padding: 0 0 15px 30px;
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color: #005577;
}no help? ??
1. Bumping is a big no-no – it annoys helpers around here.
2. You didn’t “redesign” your site, your just picked a new ready made theme for it. Which is fine, but don’t expect any feedback (as you bumped for it in your second post); there is nothing to say about a quite well known theme.
3. Do not post long code here – we have the tools to look at it if we need to.
4. What exactly do you consider in need for a “fix” in your sidebar?I’m sorry for bumping but a lot of questions go unanswered in this forum.
I want to decrease the space there is on the left padding of the sidebar.“I’m sorry for bumping but a lot of questions go unanswered in this forum.”
And by bumping, you knock off other people’s post for the sake of your own which hurts their queries. If everyone bumps without regards to others, everybody loses.
The css for handling the padding of the sidebar is contained within #sidebar e.g. you can change it as thus:
#sidebar {
padding: 0 57px 30px 0px;
}Try playing around with that until you find something to your likeing and in future, try to be more considerate.
If I’m correct then the padding is listed in clockwise worder. that is up right bottom left.
so left is already 0px, so that wont help. please take a look at my site and see the gap on the left side of sidebar: needs to tell this guy the basic rules of asking questions about formatting.
what browser are you using.
can you post a screenshot of what you want to fix.
and be polite.I’m sorry if I was impolite.
The screenshot is here:
I’m using opera and firefox and internet explorer.I just answered a similar question here:
In your sidebar there is the same situation: the “gap” is not caused by the “padding” in the sidebar, but by the margin of the contained item<ul>
:#sidebar ul {
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0 0 0 10px;
padding: 0;
}Change the 10px to whatever you want…
oh thanks a lot! I love you!
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