I’m currently having a lot of challenges getting the blog posts to display how I want. I have linked one of the blog post pages. The first problem on it is that the blog post starts way too high and crashes into the header/logo. I want the logo on all blog posts, because it links back to the homepage, however I do not want the main menu there and I don’t want the blog posts to crash into the logo–and I do want them to start farther down on the page. Is there any way to solve this?
I’ll ask about how to get rid of the main menu on the blog posts in a different post.
I apologize if this is a theme issue. I don’t know how to tell if an issue is a theme issue, Elementor issue or a WordPress issue at this stage.
I checked your site and it seems you have disabled the header. Try to edit the post/page > oceanwp settings metabox > header tab and enable it.