I added this to line 637 in the options_arr.php file before //Design
// Blog
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[“blog_tab”] = array(“name” => __(‘Blog’, ‘nimbus’),
“id” => “blog_tab”,
“tab” => “tab”,
“classes” => “”,
“url” => “blog”,
“type” => “tab”);
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[“post_meta_single”] = array(“name” => __(‘Display Meta Information on Posts’, ‘nimbus’),
“desc” => __(‘Select the following information you would like to have displayed on post pages.’, ‘nimbus’),
“id” => “post_meta_single”,
“tab” => “blog”,
“default” => array(“title” => “1”, “post_thumb” => “1”, “author” => “1”, “date” => “1”, “categories” => “1”, “tags” => “1”),
“type” => “multicheck”,
“options” => nimbus_include_post_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[“post_meta_blog”] = array(“name” => __(‘Display Meta Information on Home and Archive’, ‘nimbus’),
“desc” => __(‘Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on blog and archive pages.’, ‘nimbus’),
“id” => “post_meta_blog”,
“tab” => “blog”,
“default” => array(“title” => “1”, “author” => “1”, “date” => “1”, “categories” => “1”),
“type” => “multicheck”,
“options” => nimbus_include_blog_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[“display_bio”] = array(“name” => __(‘Display Author Bio’, ‘nimbus’),
“desc” => __(‘Select to display the author\’s bio at the bottom of the post.’, ‘nimbus’),
“id” => “display_bio”,
“tab” => “blog”,
“default” => “1”,
“label” => “Display Bio”,
“type” => “checkbox”);