• Blog Ono is owned and operated by WordPress… I have a number of blogs on blog ono and today the system went down for about two or three hours… which got me to wondering if I’d been banned for some reason. Of course that wasn’t the case yet there is that concern that since I haven’t purchased my blog ono blogs that I may not have the security and ability to save my materials (posts, etc.) from the database upon the system. I know that WordPress is making a profit from my work (adsense of course) yet I’m making a bigger profit because I’m much more creative than Google.

    During this downtime, this morning with my blog ono blogs I have ten, and I started them about 2 weeks ago… I realized that they are very good blogs indeed! I’m sure happy to ‘traffic’ for wordpress! But still it is my work up there and if wordpress suddenly got the ‘itch’ for change or made a poor business decision, they all do, or got that weird ‘moral bent’ anti-spam fantic types lose their minds often, then I’d be up s**t creek to be graphic about it. And I sure do know about how things work in this country! It’s a sure I don’t give a damn about you! Especially if your not paying for something.

    All this is to say that I’m just wondering if I could possibly get my posts on my blogs on disk on my home computer, so that if something does go wrong, as it did today at blog ono I’d be able to back my work up or put my blogs back online with another blog service. I surely don’t want to leave wordpress though, I’ve been with them since they were born and am thrilled by their good works!

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  • MichaelH


    If you are talking about a wordpress.COM blog you can do Manage->Export to export your posts/pages/categories/links.

    If you host your own blog on a hosting plan you purchased you can do the same thing.

    If you deal with another company who provides you blogging tools you may want to talk with them.

    Just in case, here is the wordpress.COM support forum link:

    Thread Starter Clay Scott Brown


    Yes, well that doesn’t actually answer my question. Not to upset you though. Blogono is owned by WordPress is the support universal… or because it’s a free service does this mean that I really have no support. I would understand if this was the case, since I’m not paying for it. I would like to have a backup of my work however, since it is very valuable to me personally, regardless of what the blog is costing me.

    Do you have an email to the folks who run Blogono? Or a direct way to at least contact to them then. After this shutdown of blog ono I’ve understandably been shaken from my slumber! I don’t want to lose my valuable assets is all, and if something does go wrong I’d want to know if my data can be saved so that I could take it elsewhere.

    Thank you.



    WordPress has nothing to do with Blog Ono or whatever they are called. They simply use the FREE WordPress software – in this case WordPress MU. ANYBODY can download and install WPMU and let users sign up for a free blog.



    As in this mu-forum thread by blogono please learn to backup your material!!!

    Also remember that acquiring and hosting your own domain will give you 100% control of your information and means you don’t have to ‘earn’ money for others with your content.

    Yeah looks like creep also has the wrong information about who owns blogono.com at https://technocreep.blogono.com/2008/03/19/blog-ono-meltdown-technocreep-wonders-at-wordpress/

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