• Hi,

    I installed this plugin and followed the included instructions.

    However, the page it is on has this warning at top;

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/grantsmcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blog-in-blog/blog-in-blog.php on line 268

    It also displays posts from the wrong category?

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  • Looks like that plugin has a problem or hasn’t been configured properly.

    I’m using Djupvik theme. I too have just installed the blog in blog plugin and have a few questions:

    1. I want the pages that have the categorized posts to be navigable with the conventional tabs across the top that are created when you create pages in the wp-admin interface. I can get the posts to appear when the appropriate category is clicked but I want the additional navigation.

    2. I’m trying to figure out how to use the <!--more--> tag. Right now an excerpt is created, but the link to the whole post is only in the title of the post.

    my site: maternalgeek.com

    Any help would be appreciated. ??

    Hi Grant,
    If you haven’t tried it already, the latest version of blog-in-blog plugin should work for you.


    Hi Scoobette,
    I wrote blog-in-blog, and respond to your points individually below.

    1. I’m not sure what you mean by this. The pages that become ‘blog-in-blog’ pages are pukka normal pages, its just that the content of the page is filled in on the fly from a set of posts that share the same category. Do you have a link? or can you walk me through it on your website?
    2. The more tag is a link to the individual page (in fact I use wordpres’s permalink function to generate this). again, if this is not working for you, could you provide a url to an example?

    You can always email me directly if that is easier. you can find contact details from the plugin homepage.


    Hi Tim,

    Thank you for your prompt response. After much experimenting I have found that the Blog in Blog plugin is not compatible (so far) with using Adsense after every post. When I use the two together and click on a blog post the page load gets hung up forever as it is trying to get data from google. It says in the footer of the webpage, “Read pagead2.googlesyndication.com”, and that is where it stays. Any ideas on how to make them work together?

    If you have the ability to this, making a video about your plugin and how to use it would be so awesome. Making a video about how to have it be compatible with Adsense would be even better. I’ve discovered quite a few about wordpress on youtube.com and find them immensely helpful.

    Thanks for the cool plugin, though, I’m sure you can tweak it or tell me how to use it properly.

    Ok, so I’ve deactivated Blog in Blog. I go to a category then click on a post from that category and the page gets hung up in the same place. So the problem, I guess, is not with Blog in Blog, but with something else. Hmmm.

    I am using the “Blog-in-blog” plugin and its working great.

    – To get the page navigation I wanted, I am using the “Page Links to” plugin.

    – I think I caused the adsense hang up. I solved this by setting up an adsense account (duh) and using the “Executable PHP widget” plugin to create widgets wherein I pasted the ad code generated within my adsense acct. Works great now.
    – I’ve put the ‘<!–more–>’ tag issue on the back burner for now.

    Thanks again, Tim, for your responsiveness.

    Thread Starter grantsmith



    I’m still having trouble with this plug-in, however I am also happy to admit this is probably user error, I’m not the most technically minded people and I find the whole word press thing go over my head a bit!

    What I have done;
    1: I have created a Category called Training Blog, I also have a page of the same name.
    2: On the Training Blog page I copied and pasted the suggested code into the HTML window as follows, [Training Blog category_id=Training Blog num=200]. However, my page just looks like this.

    Advice please?

    Hi grant,
    Sorry I didn’t see your post, I don’t seem to get notified when people reply.

    Did you get your issues sorted?

    The category_id is numerical, and are displayed on the blog-in-blog admin page in the hide category selection box.


    Hi there

    Is it possible to reverse the post order so that older posts are displayed first?

    I would prefer if it could be done at the template level as elsewhere on my site I want the pages to display in the correct order (newest first).

    Hi Allen

    I have just added this feature in the development version of the plugin. Do you want to give this a go and let me know if that works OK for you?

    Download development version here

    Basically add sort=oldest to show the oldest posts first or sort=newest to show the newest posts first.


    Hi Tim

    Very sorry about the late reply, I was away on holiday. I have checked the latest version, tried it on my site and am very happy with the results. Many thanks for that and keep up the good work.



    So glad to find your plugin. I spent HOURS trying to get my page to do what you have done in seconds (on my end, anyway!)

    Problem though: I cant get the plugin to hide the category on my nav bar. I click the category on the admin page, where is says select the category to hide, but nothing happens, and the category is still there. Any ideas?

    This plugin will be so handy for me but I am unable to get it to work.

    The first thing I can’t seem to get to work is to hide a category from the homepage etc..

    I choose the category I would like hidden from the admin settings and save the setting but it doesn’t seem to work

    Also i can’t seem to get the actual plugin to work (Blog category_id=7,num=100) am I doing something/everything wrong?

    Please help ??


    Howdy Tim,

    I love this plugin and use it extensively in my sites. However, The latest version (0.9.5) no longer seems to work with my sites. The pages that use the plugin either error out to a default 505 page or fail to load any of the appropriate posts onto the page. I’m not sure what happened between the last update and the current one, but something between them caused it not to work.

    I’m not what you would call a “power user”. I don’t know php or htlm.

    Please let us know if the problem can be fixed. Thanks for the help.

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