Okay. See on your https://curtisamongfriends.com/home/about-2/ page where the “paragraphs” don’t have spaces below them? That’s because they’re not actually paragraphs.
Those are called “lists” … first, the bulleted list (the “paragraphs” with the dot to the left) and the numbered list (with the 1, 2 and 3 to the left).
Changing the style for the <p> tag (the paragraph tag) will not affect these, because they’re not paragraphs. You’ll need to change the styles for the lists:
<ul> is the "unordered" list ... the bullets
<ol> is the "ordered" list ... the numbers
If you’re going to be doing this yourself, you’d be best off if you learned a bit about Cascading Style Sheets (such as your brown.css), so that you’re not hampered each time by the next thing you don’t know. This can be a bit tricky, but I recommend https://htmldog.com … start with the CSS Beginner section.